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EACR Congress 2024: Innovative Cancer Science

  October 20, 2023  
The European Association for Cancer Research, Rotterdam, Netherlands
10-13 June 2024

As well as cutting-edge scientific talks, the Congress programme will feature industry symposia and spotlights alongside a large industry exhibition, meet-the-expert sessions, career discovery sessions, and a vast poster display including defence sessions. Topics to be covered in the educational programme include:

- Modulating the tumour microenvironment
- Drug resistance
- Mechanism-based clinical trials
- Precision cancer medicine in the post-genomic era
- Senescence, dormancy, and related cell states
- Metabolism and cancer
- Cell-based therapies
- Spatial analysis of tumours/spatial transcriptomics
- Mechanical forces of cancer
- Mechanisms of tumour metastases
- Targeting mitochondria in cancer
- Liquid biopsies
- Drugging tumour suppressor genes
- Imaging the tumour microenvironment
- Making cold tumours hot
- Drugging the RAS Pathway
- Modeling cancer
- Ageing, gender, and cancer
- Late-breaking and top abstracts


Organized by: The European Association for Cancer Research
Invited Speakers:

- Leila Akkari
- Chiara Ambrogio
-  Michael A. Angelo
- Alberto Bardelli
- René Bernards
- Zuhir Bodalal Elkarghal
- Arkaitz Carracedo
- Maria Casanova-Acebes
- Karen M. Cichowski
- Sarah-Jane Dawson
- Luis Alberto Diaz
- Caroline Dive
- Ayelet Erez
- Neta Erez
- Janine Erler
- Sarah-Maria Fendt
- Peter Friedl
- Susan Galbraith
- Payam Gammage
- Giovanni Germano
- Richard J. Gilbertson
- Jacky G. Goetz
- Gerg Hannon
- Marco Hofmann
- Maija Hollmén
- Claus Jorgensen
- Bozena Kaminska-Kaczmarek
- Valery Krizhanovsky
- Pia Kvistborg
- David Lane
- Ana Luisa Correia
- Berta López Sánchez-Laorden
- Ilaria Malanchi
- Florent Mouliere
- Benjamin G. Neel
- Sergio Quezada
- Anne Rios
- Nitzan Rosenfeld
- Erik Sahai
- Yardena Samuels
- Jean-Emmanuel Sarry
- Ruth Scherz-Shouval
- Clemens A. Schmitt
- Giorgio Scita
- Marisol S. Soengas
- Pierre Sonveaux
- Charles Swanton
- Daniela S. Thommen
- Itay Tirosh
- Eric Tran
- Samra Turajlic
- Amaya Viros
- Ashani Weeraratna
-  Alana L. Welm
- Sara Zanivan
- Jessica Zucman-Rossi
- Hugues de Thé
- Karin de Visser
- Matthew vander Heiden 

Deadline for Abstracts: 04-03-2024
Registration: https://2024.eacr.org/register
E-mail: stephanie.milsom@eacr.org
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