The European Association for Cancer Research, Rotterdam, Netherlands
10-13 June 2024
As well as cutting-edge scientific talks, the Congress programme will feature industry symposia and spotlights alongside a large industry exhibition, meet-the-expert sessions, career discovery sessions, and a vast poster display including defence sessions. Topics to be covered in the educational programme include: - Modulating the tumour microenvironment - Drug resistance - Mechanism-based clinical trials - Precision cancer medicine in the post-genomic era - Senescence, dormancy, and related cell states - Metabolism and cancer - Cell-based therapies - Spatial analysis of tumours/spatial transcriptomics - Mechanical forces of cancer - Mechanisms of tumour metastases - Targeting mitochondria in cancer - Liquid biopsies - Drugging tumour suppressor genes - Imaging the tumour microenvironment - Making cold tumours hot - Drugging the RAS Pathway - Modeling cancer - Ageing, gender, and cancer - Late-breaking and top abstracts