FRIENDS THE UNIVERSITY FOR PEACE FOUNDATION, Palazzo dei Congressi Roma EUR, Italy Viale Shakespeare14, Roma
- WORKING AGENDA - Welcome on Board !!! Willkommen ! XIIX INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM BIOTECH ENG.docx Bienvenidos a bordo!!! Bienvenue! Obrigados! The Schedule extends from Sept., 21 - 30, 2024. Las fechas tentativas son del 21 al 30 Set.,2024. Date of departure : COUNTRY/MADRID/ROME SEPT., 21 Date of arrival ROME: SEPT. 23, Bus Shuttle to Hotel and Hall of Conferences Scouting Vatican City : Sept., 24 Scouting Rome City Sept., 24 Lectures at HALL OF CONFERENCES: Sept., 25-26-27. Scouting Imperial Rome : Sept., 28-29 Back Home,Schedule: Sept., 30 TOTAL JOURNEY : 10 DAYS. --- 000 --- DOC.001 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM
I. Society and Medicinal Plants:Challenges for PHYTOGEOGRAPHY, BOTANICS, ETHNOECOLOGY, SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Under auspices of Friends the University for Peace Foundation PRESENTATION DOC. 002. SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM KEY DESCRIBERS the New Millenium 1.1. Primary health, medicine, phytochemistry, medicinal and aromatic plants II. MEDICINAL PLANTS AND TECHNOLOGY 2.1. Ethnomedicine and primary health attention 2.2. Pharmacology and medicinal plants 2.3. Pharmacognosy, phytotherapy and medicinal plants III. THE CULTURAL HERITAGE: Native Languages, Folk Traditions, Ancient Texts: 3.1. Africa 3.2. Asia3.3. Central Europe, Mediterranean, Finno-Scandia
3.4. Mesopotamia, Greece, Bizance, Rome 3.5. North America 3.6. Australia and Oceany (Indian Ocean and West Pacific Ocean IV. MEDICINAL PLANTS IN THE NEW MILLENIUM 4.1. The Common objective: Human Health 4. 2. The tools to manage the common objective 4.2.1. Education, Research, Development 4.2.2. Sustainable Development
Aztec Medicine Practices Before the Arrival of Spaniards to Mexico SUZAMMENFASSUNG Die vorhandenen Berichte Ober Therapie bei den Azteken ermoglichen eine neue Auswertung der vlelen Mittel zur vorkolumbianischen Krankheitsbehandlung bei den Mexi-kanem und des Gesundheitswesen bei grO&!rer BevOlkerungsdichte.
Bei der Ankunft der spanischen Eroberer wurde die mexikanische BevOlkerung auf nicht weniger als 12 bis 15 Milllonen Menschen geschatzt (Sapper, 1922). Sichere Quellen (Cook, Simpson und Bora!, 1959) angetroffene UrtlevOlkerung 25,2 Mllllonen (1519) und zum Schluss 0,8 Mlllionen Menschen (1620).
Viele Quellen berichtenOber eine hohe Sterblichkeitsquote bel den Ureinwohnern aufgrund der Vemichtung durch die Eroberer. Un sere Aufgabe 1st nun diese Begrondung zu Oberpnifen durch Wiederentdeckung der ursprOnglichen Mittel zur Krankheitsvorbeugung und -bek.ampfung (Ethnotherapien) bevor die Spanier das antike Mexiko berOhrten, im Vergleich zu den vielen Todesursachen danach.
lnsbesondere basieren unsere Vermutungen auf Berichten, die zelgen wie das lmmuniUltssystem der Ureinwohner zusammenbrach durch die ElnfOhrung der durch die lmmunologie der Spanier und ihren latenten potentiellen Krankheiten eingefOhrten Krankheiten (viele mit verspateter Wirkung), sowie ihr Ober1eben durch Emahrung, Pflanzen, Tleren und Werkzeugen.
Eine genaue Betrachtung der Berichte samt 1hrer Archaologie und Interpretation , die ungeheuer hohe Sterblichkeltsrate der Ureinwohner nicht nur auf den beabsichtigten Genozid zurock zu fOhren, sondem auch auf das bestehende lmmunitatssystem und seine Fahigkeit -oder Unfahigkeit - die Probleme neuer Krank eitsvektoren im Rahmen von Gesundheit und Krankheit zu bewaltigen.
Die ethnotherapeutischen Methoden der alten Mexikaner konnten Leben und Gesundheit erhalten in der elgenen Matrix, aber sie waren nlcht gewappnet for in die Sonnenkultur eingefOhrte unbekannte Krankheiten. Draft Abstract: Tuesday, January 04, 2005. New Edit by RCHC, Nov., 14, 2022.
Organized by:
Invited Speakers:
Rafael Ocampo Sanchez, B.Sc., Costa Rica University, School of Biology. Early appointed Researcher and Curator at the National Herbarium of Costa Rica (Museo Nacional). Back to UCR revealed
his strengts for Medicinal Plants and Ethnobotany. Moved then to CATIE (Tropical Agronomic Center for Research and Teaching) Rafa especialized in the study of Medicinal Plants for over thre decades, and published numerous scientific papers and a Book with Michael Balick et al.,(2009 - ISBN978-0-615-27415-7. To download click : www.fincalunanuevalodge.com) on healing Plants of Semillas Sagradas in use in many tropical countries. Daniel Ellis Moerman,Ph.D., Medical Anthropologist and Ethnobotanist, University of Michigan-Dearborne.Outstanding Magister on Native American Medicinal and Food Plants. David H. Crandall, (D.Phil.) in Social Anthropology, Oxford University; Thesis: The OvaHimba of Namibia: A Study of Dual Descent and Values.Ph.D., Social Anthropology, Oxford. World Expert in Namibia Ethnobotany and Economics. Brigham Young College Utah University, USA.
Research Interests: Symbols and cognition; the nature and structure of human thought; ethnotaxonomy Theory and intellectual history, epistemology Aristotelian/Kantian categories (time, space, sequence, etc.) as they apply cross-culturally to human beings and human society Southern Africa, especially Namibia, and the cultural/social history of Africans—both indigenous and of European origin * 1994—present Brigham Young University, Department of Anthropology, Utah University. Provo, UT 84602 Courses taught: Introduction to Anthropology; History of European Thought;Social/Anthropological Theory; Ethnographic Fieldwork Methods; Peoples of Africa; Economic Anthropology; Moral and Ritual Institutions; Family, Kinship and Marriage; Symbolic Anthropology. Mark Nesbitt, Ph.D., Ethnobotany. Ph.D., Institute of Archaeology, UCL (1994-97). Thesis "Archaeobotanical identification of Near Eastern grass seeds". Supervisors: Gordon Hillman (UCL); Tom Cope (Kew). NERC funded. 1983-84 M.Sc. in Bioarchaeology, Institute of Archaeology, London .1980-83 B.Sc. (Hons) Agricultural Botany, University of Reading. Research interests
Global patterns of plant use, particularly of fibre and medicinal plants. History of plant use through related collections and institutions, from prehistory to present. The role of arts, humanities and social sciences in extending and amplifying research and public engagement in botanic gardens Locating, using and analysing ethnobotanical data, particularly from historic sources; also databases and data standards. Specialist curation of economic botany collections including data standards and object conservation. Public outreach through on and off-site use of botanic gardens and digital media. Career 2018- Science Directorate, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew: Senior Research Leader, Interdisciplinary Research & Curator, Economic Botany Collection 2015-2018 Science Directorate, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew: Curator & Research Leader, Economic Botany Collection 2005-2014 Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew: Curator, Economic Botany Collection 1999-2004 Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew: Higher Scientific Officer, Centre for Economic Botany/Sustainable Uses of Plants 1999 Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford. Three-year Wainwright Post-Doctoral Fellowship, ‘Early Neolithic diet and environment in the northern fertile crescent’. Resigned in order to take up Kew post. 1998 British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara: One-year Post-Doctoral Fellowship, ‘Archaeobotany of Anatolia’. Honorary posts 2017- Visiting Professor, Department of Geography, Royal Holloway - University of London. 2010- Honorary Associate Professor, Institute of Archaeology, UCL. Professional service Service roles (current) Scientific Publications Committee, Kew Grant Review Panel, Kew Vice-President, British Society for the History of Pharmacy Past President, Society for Economic Botany Reviewer Peer Review College, Arts & Humanities Research Council Funding proposals for NERC; ESRC; NSF; Polish Science Council; Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research; Israel Research Foundation; Palm Society. Editorial Board of Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine; Pharmaceutical Historian Regular reviewer for Economic Botany, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Journal of Ethnobiology & Ethnomedicine; Ethnobotanical Research & Applications; Journal of Archaeological Science; Vegetation History & Archaeobotany; Science; Plos One; occasional reviewer for many other journals. John M. Riddle, Ph.D., History of Medicine. Born: August 19, 1937 Married: Margaret C. Riddle STUDY: B.A., Cum Laude, Lenoir Rhyne College, 1959. M. A., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1961.Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1963.Post-doctoral study, Universität, Bonn, 1964-65.M.A. Thesis: "The Political History of the Nabateans from Roman Times until Loss of Independence in 10 A. D." [Under the direction of Wallace E. Caldwell.). Ph.D. Dissertation: "Amber and Ambergris In materia medica during Antiquity and the Middle Ages." (Under the direction of Loren C.Mac Kinney.). Post-doctoral study, Universität, Bonn, 1964-65. Honors and Awards: Scholarship, School of Medicine, University of North Carolina, 1961-1963. Professional Development Award, Wisconsin State University, Eau Claire, 1964. AB Cum Laude, Lenoir Rhyne College, 1959. M. A., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1961.Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1963.
Zohara Yaniv Bachrach, Ph.D., in Plant Biochemistry from Columbia University,NY., Phytochemistry, Pharmacology, Ethnobotany. Senior Scientist at the Department of Medicinal Plants, Institute of Field Crops in the Agricultural Research Center of Israel.(ARO,The Volcani Center), Bet-Dagan,Israel), Dept., of Genetic Resources and Seed Research Institute of Field and Garden Crops Received her M.D., in Biochemistry from The Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Prof.Yaniv worked at the Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research in New York. From 1978. She was appointed Professor at Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, and the Faculty of Agriculture at The Hebrew University, Jerusalem. She is a Former Visiting Scientist at the University of Paris; the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland; Lubbock University in Texas; and the Weitzman Institute of Science in Rehoboth, Israel. Dr. Yaniv acted as Visiting Professor at the University of Vienna, Austria, and Shanghai. University, China. For six summers, she conducted an international. Course in ethnobotany at MAICH, Chania, Crete
Uriel Bachrach, Ph.D., M.Sc., Biochemistry, Microbiology Hebrew University, Jerusalem. Professor Emeritus, Hebrew University, Jerusalem Professor, Head Department of Molecular Biology, Associate Professor, Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School. Medal, University of Bologna, Italy, Medal, Polish Physiological Society 1997. Honorary Doctorate from the University of Bologna, Italy 2004. Medal from the University of Rome, Italy
POSITIONS HELD Abroad (1953-1955) Visiting Scientist, Reading University, England. (With Prof. B.C. Knight), (1960-1962) Visiting Scientist, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda (With. Dr. H. Tabor). 1967 Research Associate, Columbia University, N.Y, (1968-1977) Visiting Scientist, N.I.H. (With Dr. M. Nirenberg). (1981, 1987) Visiting Scientist, Gif sur Ivette, France (With Drs,. Lederer and Barton). (1989) Visiting Scientist, Clinical research Center, Harrow, England. University of Manchester, England DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany. (1992-1993) Senior Research Associate, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Washington,D.C., 1971 Visiting Professor, Haile Sieilassie University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 1979 Visiting Professor, University of California, San Francisco, U.S.A. 1983 Visiting Professor, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. U.S.A.,1986 Visiting Professor, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy.
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES Organized several International Scientific Meetings: New York Academy of Sciences, Gordon Conferences, 13 FEBS Meeting etc. Published more than 200 scientific papers, wrote or edited 7 books and 3 patents. AWARDS AND MEDALS 1953 Humanitarian Trust Fellowship (England). 1983 Yamada Foundation, Japan, to visit universities in Japan 1983 Medal, University of Bologna, Italy 1995 Medal , Polish Physiological Society 1997 Honorary Doctorate from the University of Bologna, Italy 2004 Medal from the University of Roma, Italy
1997 3rd International Symposium on Natural Drugs, Naples, Italy. October 2-4 (Invited Speaker) 2001 Elected as honorary member of Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences (China).Elected Member of the Board of Governors, Institute of Molecular Medicine, Huntington Beach, Ca. 2003 Awarded “Qilu Friendship Award” for foreign expert who gives great Contribution for the development of the Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences, Shandong, China.
Ronald Chaves Cárdenas, Born and Citizenship: San José Costa Rica 13/12/1938 Civil status: Married to Laura Pernigoni Brucci; daughter's Elisabetta (55) et Laura Luisella (50). Main Study: 1965 Dr. Geol. Sciences. Pavia University, Italy 1971 Graduate Study (Post Doct.): Cagliari University, Italy, Economic Geology 1971-1994 Scholar (regular) Anthropology, Costa Rica University 1967-1994: Prof. Physical Anthropology, Costa Rica University. 1997 - Scholar (regular) Philology and Linguistics CR University Main field of Interest: Physical Anthropology, Ethnography, Human and Geobotany Resources. Linguistics. ACADEMIC POSITIONS: Catedrático, Universidad de Costa Rica (1984) Catedrático, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica (1982) Visiting Professor: Universidad del Norte Católica de Tucumán (Argentina) MAIN INTERESTS TODAY Geobotany, Medicinal Plants. Ancient American Natives Medicine. Greek and Latin thinking. The Construction of Reality. Mythology; History of Power. Management of Power (Theocracies). LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE AND INTERESTS Spanish, English, Italian, French, (full command) Rumenian, Portuguese (reading and translation) Classic Ancient Greek (translation) Classic and Christian Latin (translation) Discourse and Psycholinguistic Analysis (Linguistics approach to the building of reality) ACTUAL POSITION Retired Prof. Costa Rica University 1994-2005 Invited Professor, Costa Rica University. Course Seminar: Folk language and the construction of reality Last rev for AAPA February 14, 2005. From 1998- Organizer, Editor, International Ethnobotany Symposio with FRIENDS THE UNIVERSITY FOR PEACE FOUNDATION. Costa Rica.
Dharma Raj Dangol, Ph.D., Ethnobotany, Department of Environmental Science,Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science,Tribhuvan University, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal
Georg Krupitza, Ph.D., Clinical Molecular Biologist, with emphasis on induction of cell differentiation and apoptosis. Oncogenesis Applied Research. Actually with Institute of Clinical Pathology, Medicine Faculty, the University of Vienna, teaching molecular mechanisms of cell death. Janet K. Bewer, Ph.D. Department of Psychology, Southern California University for Professional Studies, Santa Ana, California.Psychologist, History and Philosophy of Law, Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine. Master of Liberal Arts with highest honors (June 2002) Harvard University - Cambridge, Massachusetts Field of Study: Molecular Biology with an emphasis in Behavioral Science Thesis: The role of the c-Harvey-ras oncogene in neurometabolism: Do depression and cancer stem from a common etiology? Primary Instructor: David Dressler, Ph.D. Professor of Neurobiology (Harvard) and Biochemistry (Oxford). a new post: Janet Brewer, JD, PsyD Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology. Criminal Justice & Sociology, Division of Arts & Letters, Governors State University, Chicago, Illinois, USA. Jacqueline Smadja, Ph.D., Sciences Physiques (Université des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc – Montpellier), France.
Emmanuelle Girard-Valenciennes, Ph.D., Phytochemistry Organic Chemistry (doctorate awarded for two years' study and a work of research), University of Paris-Sud (XI) - Orsay (France).
Maurizio Grandi, Ph.D., Cum Laude. Medicine: Pneumology, Oncogenesis, Pharmacomedicine. Ethnomedicine, Turin University, Italy.
Elsa Teixeira Gomes, Ph.D., Pharmacy, Phytochemistry, Pharmacognosy, Lisbon University, Portugal. Member: Phytochemical Society of Europe. International Society of Ethnopharmacology, American Society of Pharmacognosy.Maria Rosa Martinez, Ph.D., Botany and Ethnobotany, Faculty of Sciences and Museum, La Plata University, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Maria Lelia Pochettino, Ph.D., Botany and Ethnobotany, Faculty of Sciences and Museum, La Plata University, Buenos Aires, Argentina Marta Crivos, Ph.D., Botany and Ethnobotany, Faculty of Sciences and Museum, La Plata University, Buenos Aires, Argentina Nazim A. Mamedov, M. S. Agriculture, June 1981, Azerbaijan State University, Baku, Azerbaijan Ph.D. Botany, April 1989, Moscow Lomonosov University, Moscow, Russia.Post-doctoral study, 1993-1994, Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, Institute of Botany, BakuPractical Training on Ethnobotany, July –August 1994. Herbarium of Royal Botanical Garden, Kew, London, Great Britain. 2001.
Yaqueline Gheno Heredia, Ph.D., Ponente en el IX Congreso Mexicano de Etnobiología, celebrado en Abril 2014 en San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, México con la presentación de cuatro trabajos relacionados con la Etnobotánica y la Agrodiversidad en la zona centro del estado de Veracruz y Sierra de Córdoba. Participación como ponente en la “Jornada 3 Intercultural sobre Medicina Tradicional”, los días 24 y 25 de junio del año en curso por invitación de la Universidad Politécnica Francisco I. Madero en Tepatepec, Hidalgo. Artículo en extenso dentro de las Memorias del 8˚ Congreso Internacional de Educación en Jardines Botánicos: http://www.bgci.org/education/edu_proceedings/. BGCI (Botanic Gardens Conservation International), 8th International Congress on Education in Botanic Gardens, Education and the Global Strategy, Mexico DF, Mexico, 12-16 November 2012. London: BGCI. ISBN-13: 978-1-905164-57-8
Tina Litsa, Herbal Medicine at Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland. I have interest for the whole Mediterranean region and the Midle East and for Ancient Herbal Medicine of these regions. worked in Project in the institute of Isotopic Hydrology of Democritus, National Research Institute, Athens. Participate at the Ethnobotany Symposio in PortoAlegre, Brazil, September 20-26, 2004 I undertook a training visit to the Phytotherapy Laboratory in Olinda, Pernambuco, Brazil.Partitipate as Lecturer in the XVI iNTERNATIONAL Ethnobotany Symposio (2018), Cusco, Peru, Lecturing " The Permafrost Agriculture Craftmansdhip for Food Production".
Maria Enriqueta Flores Fernandez, Ph.D. Medicine and Naturopathy. Postgrado: “Terapia Nutricional y Suplementación Alimenticia” CUAM Centro Universitario de Alternativas Médicas, Instituto Superior de Ciencias Médicas, Camagüey, Cuba, IMSS, Active Professor, Autonomous Popupar University of Versacruz (UPAV), Mexico.
Adelaide Bela Agostinho, Ph.D., in Biochemistry: Università degli Studi di Roma. Roma; Italy. October 1995; Academic degree in Chemistry: Universidade Eduardo Mondale, Maputo. Mozambique. Biochemist and Ethnobotanist. Head, Department of Medicinal Plants and Traditional Medicine, National Institute of Health, Mozambique. Diploma of "Técnico de Laboratório de Análises Clínicas"; Instituto de Ciências Médicas, e Paramédicas de Maputo; Maputo, Mozambique. April 1976
Domingo Canales Espinosa, Ph.D., Ciencias Biologicas. : Universidade Federal de Brasilia. Universidad Autónoma de México,Licenciatura: Médico Veterinario Zootecnista Institución de egreso: Universidad Veracruzana Especialidad: Manejo y reproducción de primates en cautiverio. – Maestría: Neuroetología. Institución de egreso: Instituto de Neuroetología - Universidad Veracruzana. Título de tesis: Evaluación de la función ovárica en hembras adultas. de Alouatta palliata (mono aullador) en cautiverio. Leticia Margarita Cano Asseleih, Ph.D., Analyst Chemical Toxicologist Phytochemistry, Natural Resources. Institute (NRI). London, UK. March 1980 - August 1981. Ph.D., Phytochemical Sciences, Chelsea School of Pharmacy-King’s College London, UK Christine Sophie Kabuye, B.Sc. Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda. Botany and Zoology School. Certificate -Gayaza High School, 1958 Formerly engaged with Kenya National Parks and Botanical Gardens. APPOINTMENTS: (a) East African Common Services Organization/E.A., Community at the East African Herbarium, Nairobi. (Taxonomic Botanist) Research Officer, June 1964 - June 1970 Senior Research Officer - June 1970 – June. 1974 Principal Research Officer - July 1974 - June 1977 (b) Kenya Government (on Local Agreement) (Botanist) Senior Research Officer, July 1977 - June 1982 (c) National Museums of Kenya (Botanist). Senior Research fellow, July 1982 - 1996 (d) Also Botanist in Charge, of the East African Herbarium since July 1971 – 1994. (e) Leader - Kenya Resource Centre for Indigenous Knowledge 1992 – 1996. WORKING EXPERIENCE, a) General identification of vascular plants and starting late 1965 with special responsibility of naming Gramineae and Cyperaceae b) Taxonomic revision of Oxalidaceae for the Flora of Tropical East Africa. c) In-service training and work at the Herbarium of Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew England (April -September 1966). This was partly in connection with my work on Oxalidaceae and party to gain working experience in a large herbarium with a big collection of plants and literature. d) Organized National Workshops on Plant Genetic Resources (6 - 7 July 1987 and 15 -17 February 1994). e) Organized a Workshop on Indigenous Food Plants (14 - 16 April 1993). f) Have made various plants colllecting trips in East Africa. g) Working with the Maasai community establishing kitchen gardens using indigenous food species (1992-1993). h) Working on a project on Indigenous Agricultural Knowledge Systems 1995 MEMBERSHIP TO PROFESSIONAL BODIES I.A.P.T. (International Association for Plant Taxonomy). Also regional member (Africa) of Species Survival Commission of I.U.C.N. and on the Orchid an Medicinal Plants Specialists groups I.S.E. (International Society of Ethnobiology) - President, 1995 - 1996 CITES Plants Committee - African Representative 1992 - 1997.nomy). Also regional member (Africa) of Species Survival Commission of I.U.C.N. and on the Orchid an Medicinal Plants Specialists groups I.S.E. (International Society of Ethnobiology) - President, 1995 - 1996 CITES Plants Committee - African Representative 1992 - 1997. A.E.T.F.A.T. (Association Pour L'Etude Taxonomique de la Flora d'Afrique Tropicale).
María Eugenia Marcel Rodés, Ph.D., Medicine, Instituto Nacional de Oncología y Radiobiología, Especialista de Primer Grado en Anestesiología y Reanimación Ministerio de Salud Pública de Cuba.A: 1981, graduada en el Instituto Superior de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba. ESPECIALIDAD: 1984 Título de Especialista de Primer Grado en Anestesiología y Reanimación.. Especialista en Cuidados Intensivos. CARGO ACTUAL: Jefe del Servicio de Atención Médica Internacional. CENTRO DE TRABAJO: Instituto Nacional de Oncología y Radiobiología, La Habana, Cuba Marlene Bustillo Cisneros, M.Sc., Medicina Bioenergética (2007-2009), Instituto Nacional de Oncología y Radiobiología, Logística y dirección de los servicios de enfermería. Estudios de Grado · Enfermería general: 1990 · Licenciatura en enfermería: 1997. Diplomado en oncológica 2000 Diplomado en Gerencia 2006· Diplomado en dirección 2006 · Maestría en medicina bioenergética 2007-2009 Ignacio Lombardi Idancochea, Ph.D., Botany, Forestry Universidad Agricola la Molina, Peru. President, Peruvian Institute for Natural Products Research (IPPN), Lima, Peru
Alfredo Palomino Infante, Ph.D., Physics and Chemistry, Natural Products. Major San Marcos National University (UNMSM), Lima, Peru. Hilda Ochoa Torres, Ph.D., Ethnobotany. Folk Medicine.Major San Marcos National University (UNMSM), Lima, Peru.Bióloga, nacida (17 Junio, 1933) Shota, Cajamarca, Peru; Trabajo extensivo de campo en la Cordillera Andina y en la región amazónica Estudiosa de las prácticas de salud indígena y popular del Peru. Vasta conocedora y estudiosa de las plantas medicinales y enteogénicas, andinas y amazónicas. Por muchos años ha popularizado la medicina natural (Folk Medicine) con el empleo de plantas medicinales.Es Miembro distinguido del Colegio de Biólogos del Peru.y miembro de número de las más importantesasociaciones profesionales de su país.
Jose Luis Ballesteros Lara, Ph.D., Biotecnología Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Guayaquil, Ecuador. Graduate Study, Biotechniology, Phytochemistry, Pavia, University, Italy
Deadline for Abstracts:
June 13, 2024
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