Netzealous LLC MentorHealth, Online Event
Overview: One errant email or text message can cost you tens of thousands of dollars in HIPAA fines and penalties and it doesn't matter who you're communicating with: patients, staff, providers or with insurance carriers. A violation is a violation. And if you think it couldn't happen to you, think again. Text and email HIPAA violations are not always caused by what you might think. For example, you may think you are safe as long as you don't text patients - you're wrong. Many violations generally occur between providers messaging their staff. You can avoid getting hit with a HIPAA audit and violations with a few simple changes to your current processes. But you have to be able to identify the danger zones.
National HIPAA expert, John Brewer, will walk you through how to escape being hit with HIPAA emailing and texting violations. John is conducting an online training session that will provide you with the proven strategies you need to stay out HIPAA hot water, HIPAA Compliance: Avoid Text/Email Danger Zones - you'll be surprised by what can land you in serious trouble.
Why you should Attend: Text and email are a staple of communication today. This electronic communication can simplify life and complicate your HIPAA compliance. Without the correct policies and procedures in place, your practice is at risk to crippling fines due to improper electronic communication from your office.
Areas Covered in the Session: - Choose the Safest Communication Method: Patient Portal vs. Email Communications
- Protect yourself from HIPAA Violations with one simple Item Added to your Emails
- Identify when you can Send PHI via email - or if you ever Should
- Stop the Worst Internal Text message HIPAA Violators from sinking your Practice
- Prevent Gmail, Yahoo! Mail or the infamous AOL from ending in Catastrophe
- Improve HIPAA security for all of your Messaging Easier than you thought Possible
Who Will Benefit:- All Positions can Benefit with Added focus for HIPAA Security Office
- Practice Manager
- Business Associates