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Demystifying Excel Pivot Tables

  May 27, 2019  
Traininng.com LLC, Online



We'll begin by helping you ensure that your data is in the right shape to create a pivot table. This is the place most people stop on their journey.

Some of the fixes are so simple you'll be amazed. Then, onto actually creating pivot tables, understanding how they are connected and how they interact with the source data from which they are created.

From there, you'll learn how to activate features like GETPIVOTDATA functions, charts, graphs, calculated fields, filtering and sorting, and more!


Why should you Attend


Data is not getting any smaller. And, the information we're being asked to provide isn't getting any less complicated. So, why are Pivot Tables so important to our work? Well, Pivot Tables can help you aggregate, calculate and format large volumes of data in easy to understand tables and charts, and do it quickly! Traditional tools like sort, filter, grouping and subtotaling can only get you so far.

And the nature of these tools means that you're either making multiple copies of the same data (almost always a bad idea), or designing reporting processes that are so manually intensive that errors are almost a guarantee! If they had called Pivot Tables a "custom table writer," you may have clicked on it years ago! But, that's exactly what it is.

And, you can create visually impactful reports from them. The flexibility and feature richness of Pivot Tables make them a must have tool in your toolbox for information analysis and reporting.


Areas Covered in the Session


  • Optimal data structures for Pivot Tables
  • Easy fixes to ugly data to get you on your way
  • Creating and Modifying Pivot Tables
  • Creating interactivity in Pivot Tables with Report Filters, Slicers, filtering and sorting
  • The impact of refreshing your pivot tables
  • How create charts
  • Calculating with pivoted data


Who Will Benefit


  • Administrative Professionals
  • Business Analysts
  • Managers
  • Supervisors
  • Data Analysts
  • Business Process
  • Analysts
  • Executives
  • Executive Assistants
  • Administrative Assistants
  • Financial Analysts
  • Accountants
  • Compliance Analysts
Organized by: Traininng.com LLC
Invited Speakers:

Melissa Esquibel:

specializes in transforming those confused by technology into empowered users of their software tools. As a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) with more than 30 years in business application technology, Melissa has a unique ability to make learning programs enjoyable AND valuable. Melissa's consulting career spans banking, manufacturing, telecommunications, energy and insurance, which allows her to provide real-world examples and applications.

Deadline for Abstracts: 2019-06-01
Registration: www.traininng.com/webinar/demystifying-excel-pivot-tables-200818live?hum-molgen-June-Seo-2019
E-mail: traininngdotcom@gmail.com
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