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The Anti-Kickback Statute: Paying for Referrals is a Bad Idea

  May 10, 2018  
Netzealous LLC - MentorHealth, Online

Training Options  Duration: 60 Minutes  
Thursday, June 7, 2018   |   10:00 AM PDT | 01:00 PM EDT

Overview: The session will provide an overview of the Anti-Kickback Statute (AKS) and 

review what it prohibits, as well as review the Statute's available safe harbors. It will also 

show how violation of the AKS can raise FCA concerns, and it will provide an assessment of 

enforcement activities, showing how participants may be at risk. In addition, the session will 

review recent cases and show how they potentially impact participants.

We will provide an in-depth review of the AKS, focusing on what is prohibited under the Act and 

what the exceptions are. We will also review the case law, particularly the early case law that 

sets the stage and basis for how the courts interpret the law. Since one of the exceptions to 

enforcement under the Act is regulations promulgated by the Secretary, the "safe harbors," 

payment practices that will not be subject to criminal prosecution and that will not provide a 

basis for civil monetary penalties or exclusion from the Medicare or Medicaid programs, we will 

examine these safe harbors, particularly those more frequently used, to show how protection from 

enforcement can be achieved. Specifically, we will review the investment, space and equipment 

rental, personal services/management contracts, and physician recruitment safe harbors.

In addition, we will discuss the OIG's Joint Venture Advisory Opinion, where a hospital expands 

into a related service line by contracting with an existing provider of that service. The OIG 

has significant problems with such an arrangement. We will also discuss the recent advisory 

opinion by the OIG regarding Physician-Owned Entities. OIG views PODs as inherently suspect 

under the AKS because the opportunity for a referring physician to earn a profit, including 

through an investment in an entity for which he or she generates business, could constitute 

illegal remuneration under the AKS.

Finally, the webinar will review various cases to show how easy it is to run afoul of the 

Statute, and how the courts view compliance with it. 

Why should you Attend: This session is designed for health care executives, physicians and other 

health care providers who participate in and receive remuneration from Medicare, Medicaid, and 

other federal health care programs such as TriCare. Several recent cases bring home the 

realization that the Anti-Kickback Statute is alive, still with us and as viable as ever, and it 

makes activities that are common in other industries a crime.

As a health care executive, physician or other health care provider, you should be very 

concerned about the potential for the government to use the Anti-Kickback Statute as one of the 

prime methods for enforcing the federal fraud and abuse laws. It is also concerning that, along 

with Stark II (the federal physician anti-referral law), the Anti-Kickback Statute can be and is 

being used as the basis for an action brought under the Federal False Claims Act. In this 

webinar, you will learn about the elements of the Anti-Kickback Statute, along with the various 

exceptions and safe harbors that you can rely on for protection against enforcement under these 

laws. This is important because under recently enacted health care laws, enforcement and health 

care fraud task forces have been greatly enhanced. In addition, the Affordable Care Act (better 

known as Obamacare), the government has greatly enhanced enforcement resources. 

Two cases, The Christ Hospital case in Cincinnati, with a settlement in excess of $100 million 

and the Hardeman Memorial Hospital case in Texas, with a settlement of $398, 230.56 stand out. 

In addition, in the Hardeman case, the Texas federal court sentenced former CEO Angela Edwards 

to 2 ½ years in prison and ordered her to pay $370,657 in restitution. If that is not enough to 

get your attention, consider the recent cases finding that the "responsible corporate officer 

doctrine" allows the government to hold hospital CEOs and others directly responsible for the 

fraud. Attend this webinar and learn how to protect yourself and your organization. 

Areas Covered in the Session:

Federal Civil Anti-Kickback Statute
Safe Harbors providing protection under the AKS
Enforcement activities involving the AKS
The OIG's Joint Venture Advisory Opinion
The OIG's advisory opinion regarding Physician-Owned Entities and
The anti-fraud provisions of the Affordable Care Act

Who Will Benefit:
CEOs, COOs, CFOs, CNOs, and CMOs
Nursing Home Executives
Physician Practice Managers
Other Healthcare Provider Executives

Speaker Profile 
William Mack Copeland MS, JD, PhD, LFACHE, practices health care law in Cincinnati at the firm 

of Copeland Law, LLC. He is also president of Executive & Managerial Development Group, a 

consulting entity providing compliance and other fraud and abuse related services. A graduate of 

Northern Kentucky University Salmon P. Chase College of Law, Bill is a frequent author and 

speaker on health law topics. 

Copeland is a member of the American Health Lawyers Association, American, Ohio and Cincinnati 

Bar Associations and is a life fellow in the American College of Healthcare Executives. He was 

awarded the American College of Health Care Executives Senior-Level Healthcare Executive 

Regent’s Award in 2007.

Price - $139

Contact Info:
Netzealous LLC - MentorHealth
Phone No: 1-800-385-1607
Fax: 302-288-6884 
Email: support@mentorhealth.com
Website: http://www.mentorhealth.com/
Webinar Sponsorship: https://www.mentorhealth.com/control/webinar-sponsorship/
Follow us on : https://www.facebook.com/MentorHealth1
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Organized by: Netzealous -MentorHealth
Invited Speakers: William Mack Copeland MS, JD, PhD, LFACHE, practices health care law in Cincinnati at the firm of Copeland Law, LLC. He is also president of Executive & Managerial Development Group, a consulting entity providing compliance and other fraud and abuse related services. A graduate of Northern Kentucky University Salmon P. Chase College of Law, Bill is a frequent author and speaker on health law topics. 

Copeland is a member of the American Health Lawyers Association, American, Ohio and Cincinnati Bar Associations and is a life fellow in the American College of Healthcare Executives. He was awarded the American College of Health Care Executives Senior-Level Healthcare Executive Regent’s Award in 2007.
Deadline for Abstracts: 2018-06-05
Registration: http://www.mentorhealth.com/control/w_product/~product_id=801291LIVE?hum-molgen_june_2018_SEO
E-mail: support@mentorhealth.com
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