David Anderson, Caltech/HHMI
Hugo Bellen, HHMI/Baylor College of Medicine
Antonello Bonci, National Institute on Drug Abuse
Edward Boyden, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Kim Butts Pauly, Stanford University
Pico Caroni, Friedrich Miescher Institute, Switzerland
Anne Churchland, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Yang Dan, University of California, Berkeley
Karl Deisseroth, Stanford University
Ricardo Dolmetsch, Novartis
Frances Edwards, University College London United Kingdom
Emad Nader Eskandar, Harvard Medical School
Guoping Feng, MIT
Paul Glimcher, New York University
Michel Goedert, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, UK
Joshua Gordon, National Institute of Mental Health
Seth Grant, University of Edinburgh, UK
Hailan Hu, Zhejiang University School of Medicine China
Richard Huganir, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Michael Kahana, University of Pennsylvania
Eric Kandel, Columbia University / HHMI
Adam Kepecs, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Anatol Kreitzer, University of California, San Francisco
Bo Li, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Stephen Liberles, Harvard Medical School
Andres Lozano, University of Toronto Canada
Christian Luscher, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Zachary Mainen, Champalimaud Neuroscience Program Portugal
Robert Malenka, Stanford University School of Medicine
Steven McKnight, UT Southwestern Medical Center
Istvan Mody, UCLA School of Medicine
P. Read Montague, Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute
Eric Nestler, Mount Sinai University
Michael Platt, University of Pennsylvania
Clifford Saper, Harvard Medical School
Akira Sawa, Johns Hopkins University
Daniela Schiller, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Amita Sehgal, University of Pennsylvania
Nirao Shah, Stanford University
Scott Small, Columbia University
Beth Stevens, Childrens Hospital Boston; Harvard Medical School
Kevin Tracey, Feinstein Institute for Medical Research
Li-Huei Tsai, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Naoshige Uchida, Harvard University
Flora Vaccarino, Yale University
Linda Wilbrecht, University of California, Berkeley
Daniel Wolpert, University of Cambridge, UK
Mehmet Fatih Yanik, ETH Zürich Switzerland
Tony Zador, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Huda Zoghbi, Baylor College of Medicine/HHMI