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Microglia 2018

  August 15, 2017  
EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany

This workshop will bring together expert and novice researchers studying microglia physiology in health and disease in an interactive meeting format that promotes the latest work in the field. The study of microglia cells has seen an explosion of activity and interest in the last five years, with large numbers of new researchers entering the field driven by the advent of new imaging and genetic tools that have allowed the visualisation and manipulation of microglia in the context of the intact brain.

The workshop will highlight the latest research by including a large fraction of speakers from among submitted abstracts. It will also bring together researchers with diverse technical and scientific expertise in order to stimulate interdisciplinary research at the boundaries of traditional fields and will feature ample opportunity for informal interaction among participants.
Organized by: EMBL
Invited Speakers: Daniel Geschwind
UCLA School of Medicine, USA
David Attwell
University College London, UK

Etienne Audinat
École des Neurosciences de Paris Île-de-France, France 

Mariko Bennett
Stanford University, USA 

Staci Bilbo
MassGeneral Hospital for Children, USA 

Florent Ginhoux
Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN), Singapore

Melanie Greter
University of Zurich
Julien Muffat
Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research
Junichi Nabekura
National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Japan
Harald Neumann
University of Bonn, Germany
Marco Prinz
Medical Center - University of Freiburg, Germany
Richard Ransohoff
Biogen, USA

Amanda Sierra
KERBASQUE Basque Foundation for Science, Spain

Beth Stevens
Children’s Hospital Boston, USA

William Talbot
Stanford University, USA
Deadline for Abstracts: 2018-01-15
Registration: www.embl.de/training/events/2018/GLI18-01/index.html
E-mail: events@embl.de
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