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Medical Practice Management 2016

  August 31, 2016  
Event Manager, Online Event


This workshop titled Medicare Practice Management is for the Administrator, Office Manager, Billing Manager and Physician, looking to tighten up their office policies in regards to patient no shows, ICD-10-CM training, when to enlist an auditor, how to deal with patient records requests, utilizing med-level providers, and general practice management. We will provide not only a presentation with examples and explanations on how to successfully execute and implement office policies, but also CMS regulation on topics that you'll need "chapter-verse" for your compliance manuals. We will also discuss where the clinical responsibility stops and the administrative responsibility for patient care and final success collide.

Why should you Attend: 

Successful business practices can be about solid and loyal employees, good financials, and a good marketing team. But when you enter into the Medical field, and need to make an impact with patient care and treatment, juggling multiple physicians within one practice, and trying to make sure staff- both back office and billing- stay current, and educated for the current healthcare client, you are taking on a tough act of balancing. The #1 priority in any medical practice is to make the patient's happy, while being profitable. That does not always go hand in hand. We will give you the language to have confidence when speaking with patients about their care, their financials, while also understanding job description expectations within a medical practice. 

Areas Covered in the Session:

No Show Appointments
Front office staff and Intake patient procedures
"Incident to" and Mid-level provider rules
Screening Coverages for patients and how to handle frequency guidlines
Validating patient insurances and dealing with AHA and ObamaCare
Potential Revenue issues in the CBO that will be handles
Dealing with the Multi-physician Practice
Making sure your staff is trained, cross trained, and a value to the practice
Using online and the internet to your advantage for Medical Management

Who Will Benefit:

Office Managers
Billing Managers
Front Office Managers
Clinical Managers
Organized by: Netzealous - MentorHealth
Invited Speakers:

Speaker Profile :

Terry Fletcher is a Specialty Coding Industry Expert , Auditor and Educator based in Laguna Beach, California, with over 30 years experience. Terry is a past member of the National Advisory Board for AAPC, past Chair of the AAPCCA, and National Conference educator. Ms. Fletcher is the Technical Editor for the Cardiology Coder's Pink sheet from DecisionHealth LLC and Editorial Advisor for Cardiology Coding Alert! from The Coding Instutite. 

Terry is an Educator for McVey Seminars, MGMA, Audio Educator, Medlearn and Decision Health, teaching over 100 specialty coding seminars, teleconferences and Webinars every year. Terry holds a bachelor’s degree (BS) in economics, multiple certifications in coding, and her proficiency certification in ICD-10-CM: CPC, CCC, CEMC, SCP-CA, ACS-CA, CCS-P, CCS, CMSCS, CMC, CMCS. Her coding and reimbursement specialties include: Cardiology, Peripheral-Cardiology, Gastroenterology, E/M Auditing, Orthopedics and Interventional Radiology.

Deadline for Abstracts: 2016-10-12
Price : $139.00 

Contact Info:

Phone No: 1-800-385-1607
FaX: 302-288-6884 

E-mail: support@mentorhealth.com
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