HIV Drug Therapy Glasgow 2016, Glasgow, UK
23-26 October 2016
All programme information is provisional and subject to change at the discretion of the Organising Committee. Introduction Keeping up to date with developments and new ideas in HIV treatment presents a major challenge to treating physicians, healthcare providers and researchers. Objective scientific assessment of new drug treatments and therapeutic strategies is therefore essential. It will be the aim of the HIV Glasgow Congress to provide a wide-ranging yet accessible forum for such assessment. The Scientific Programme for Glasgow will again address the use of differing therapeutic strategies in a variety of clinical settings. Alongside treatment strategies, adverse events, resistance and other important sessions within the overall programme, developing world perspectives, paediatric treatment and care, and community-related treatment issues will receive detailed attention. Glasgow operates the ever-popular single-session format whereby there are no competing sessions within the main invited programme or for Satellite Symposia.
Invited Speakers:
Keynote Lectures The Congress Programme will formally commence with Keynote Lectures setting the scene in terms of current perspectives and future prospects in HIV infection therapeutics and research. The invited speakers will be internationally recognised in their fields of expertise.
Plenary Sessions (including submitted papers) Key topics will be reviewed and updated using invited expert speakers to discuss developing and/or problematic areas of therapy and research. Based on Committee peer review, a number of submitted abstracts will be accepted for inclusion in oral sessions, thereby allowing broader coverage of the issues in focus.