Seaport World Trade Center, 200 Seaport Boulevard, Boston, MA 02210
April 8-9, 2013
Taking place April 8-9, Cambridge Healthtech Institute's and Bio-IT World's Medical Informatics World 2013 will bring together industry leaders and decision makers in the fields of HIT, healthcare, biomedical sciences, life sciences, pharmaceuticals, informatics and IT in Boston, MA. Over the course of two stimulating days, senior level executives and leading experts will share research advances, information trends and new enabling technologies that are driving healthcare management, biomedical research, and healthcare delivery to new heights. Medical Informatics World 2013 will feature three tracks, each running a day and a half, and four in-depth half-day workshops providing dynamic discussion from world-leading scientists and executives in healthcare informatics, biomedical informatics, applied clinical informatics, and personalized medicine. Conference Tracks: - Provider-Payer-Pharma Cross-Industry Data Collaboration
- Coordinated Patient Care, Engagement and Empowerment
- Population Health Management, Segmentation and Stratification