The conference fee includes book of abstracts as well as one copy of the proceedings book sent out later after the symposium. Please register by using these registrations forms: Participants registration form (PDF, 186 k) Speakers registration form (PDF, 182 k) Early registration fee for academics (before March 31st, 2013) EUR 200,- Early registration fee (before March 31st, 2013) EUR 450,- Standard conference fee for academics EUR 275,- Standard conference fee EUR 550,- The standard conference fee EUR 550,-- (EUR 275.- academic) should be paid by 10.05.2013 to the following account: Beilstein-Institut Commerzbank Frankfurt am Main Account No.: 4900 273 00 Bank code: 500 800 00 For international transfers: International Bank Account Number (IBAN): DE89500800000490027300 SWIFT-BIC: DRES DE FF Please state Glycobioinformatics 2013 and name(s) of the participant(s) on all transfers. Participants are responsible for paying any bank charges. Refunds for cancellations cannot be made after 24.05.2013. Any refunds will be paid after the symposium and subject to a EUR 50.- administration fee. If you have to cancel, please note, that registrations may be transferred to another member of your organisation at any time. Participants are responsible for settling their hotel bills directly with the hotel on departure. The full board at the hotel covers dinner on the 10th to breakfast on the 14th including all coffee breaks and costs approx. EUR 600,- per person for four nights. If you do not want to leave the conference site right after the meeting you should plan an additional night at additional costs. Extras, such as drinks, telephone calls etc. are not included in the price.