Wellcome Trust Scientific Conferences, Homerton College, Cambridge
10-12 April 2013
Bursary Deadline: 20 February 2013 Registration Deadline: 13 March 2013 The 7th Wellcome Trust Genomic Disorders conference will present an exciting blend of genomic science and clinical medicine. This meeting aims to bring together scientists and clinicians interested in genomic variation in humans and the mechanisms by which it exerts its phenotypic effects.
Genomic Disorders 2013 will discuss the latest findings relating to the genomic basis of rare disorders as these can provide such powerful insights into human biology. Genome-wide analyses, including array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH) and Whole Exome Sequencing (WES), are proving to be of great value in discovering the genetic basis of rare disorders and illustrate the heuristic power of humans as a model organism. A particular focus of this meeting will be on bioinformatics approaches used to interpret genomic variants and on therapeutic targets for rare genetic diseases. Scientific sessions will include: Natural variation Developmental genetics Animal models of rare disorders Interpretation of genomic variants Therapeutics Special events This year’s meeting coincides with the 60th anniversary of the discovery of the structure of DNA by Watson and Crick in Cambridge in April 1953. To commemorate this, the meeting will include an exhibition/talk about some of the Cambridge sites connected with this discovery that laid the foundation for genomic science.
Organized by:
Wellcome Trust |
Invited Speakers:
Scientific organisers Han Brunner Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, The Netherlands Helen Firth Cambridge University Dept. of Medical Genetics, UK Matthew Hurles Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, UK Jim Lupski Baylor College of Medicine, USA Invited Speakers: Les Biesecker NIH, USA Ewan Birney EMBL-EBI, UK Sydney Brenner Howard Hughes Medical Institute, USA Santhosh Girirajan Pennsylvania State University, USA Robert C. Green Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, USA Tamar R. Grossman ISIS Pharmaceuticals, USA Monica Justice Baylor College of Medicine, USA John Mattick Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Australia Serena Nik-Zainal Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, UK Wolf Reik Babraham Institute, UK Renata Salecl Institute of Criminology at Faculty of Law, Slovenia James Watson Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories, USA Brunhilde Wirth University of Cologne, Germany Further speakers to follow.
Deadline for Abstracts:
20 February 2013