The Royal College of Pathologists , The Royal College of Pathologists, 2 Carlton House Terrace, London, UK
Thursday, 28 February 2013
Biomarkers identifying biological and physiological entities associated with disease are taking an increasingly important place at the tables of drug discovery and personalised medicine. Their discovery in biosamples requires the combined use of genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics platforms. Whilst for their application, robust techniques combining exquisite sensitivity and specificity must be developed. This conference is focused on technologies that are driving advances in this area and their application at gene and expression level in solid and fluid biosamples. As such this conference is targeted to provide leading edge information to researchers within the academic, biotechnology and pharmaceutical sectors.
Invited Speakers:
Dr Peter H Bach, Director: BioPharmaLogic LLC, Cambridge Dr Julian.E.Beesley, Director, HistoRx Europe Dr David J. Britton, Proteome Sciences plc, Institute of Psychiatry, London Dr Tony Warford, Warford Technology Ltd, Newmarket, Suffolk, UK Mr Fabricio Barros, University of Nottingham¸UK