ComplianceOnline, Online Event
Why Should You Attend: Potency bioassays are an integral part of release testing and stability studies for biotechnological products. There is a lack of clarity of how much work is required at each development phase to maintain scientific rigor and meet regulatory expectations. This webinar provides a logical plan to progress the potency bioassay from a tool to assist in pre-clinical process evaluation throughout final commercial implementation. The presentation provides strategies to comply with current regulatory guidance like the new USP chapters for bioassay potency (USP 1032, USP 1033 and USP 1034) and discusses options to determine acceptance parameters not only for the precision, parallelism and accuracy of the method but also for the potency of each sample. The participants in this webinar will learn a common sense chronological pathway that can easily be adapted to the successful fit-for-purpose validation of any biopharmaceutical method. Areas Covered in the Seminar: - Rational approaches to bioassay selection and optimization.
- Effective transition of bioassays from early to late stage product development.
- Strategies to increase accuracy and repeatability.
- Techniques to avoid common technical problems.
- Guidelines for bioassay validation and regulatory documentation.
- Steps for preparing a method for technology transfer and commercial validation.
- Implementation of USP 1032, 1033 and 1034.