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  HUM-MOLGEN -> Events -> Meetings and Conferences  

Comparative Effectiveness: A Real-World User's Guide

  December 02, 2011  
Renaissance Washington DC Downtown Hotel , Washington, DC, USA
Mar 14 2012 8:00AM - Mar 15 2012 5:00PM

This meeting will highlight the changing nature of evidence standards
within the marketplace; specifi cally, the continued push for increased
levels of evidence of comparative eff ectiveness applied within health
technology assessments (HTAs). The goal of the meeting is to focus
less on defi nitions and theoretic concepts, and more on the application
of comparative eff ectiveness research (CER) and HTA within drug
development and research planning.
While the discussion of CER has been ongoing for years, the recent
creation of the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)
within health care reform, as well as new standards for evidence evaluation
development by leading payers, have made understanding not
just the theories, but rather their applications, of vital importance. This
meeting will push beyond the basic questions to evaluate the importance
of CER and provide participants with actionable understandings
of how CER evidence can be better managed and developed within
their own organizations.
Unlike previous eff orts in this area, this meeting will provide participants
with a “what does it mean for me” perspective on CER and HTA,
providing take-aways to apply within day-to-day drug development
and marketing positions.
Event Code:

Organized by: DIA
Invited Speakers: Check website for speaker information
Deadline for Abstracts: Call contact
Melissa Matta, Program Developer, Phone +1.215.442.6158
Fax +1.215.442.6199, email Melissa.Matta@diahome.org
Jeff Korn, Worldwide Exhibits Associate, Phone +1.215.442.6184
Fax +1.215.442.6199, email: Jeff .Korn@diahome.org
E-mail: melissa.matta@diahome.org
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