Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Aula QD, pleinlaan 2, 1050, Brussel
5 November 2010
Preliminary programme 8h30 – 9h00: Registration and coffee 9h00 – 9h10: M. Kirsch-Volders: Introduction 9h10 – 9h30: L. Leyns (Laboratory of Cell Genetics, Vrije Universiteit Brussel): Major molecular and cellular pathways of developmental stages 9h30 - 10h00: R. Ciardella, (St-Pierre University Hospital, Brussels): Potential clinical impact of oxidative stress on term and pre-term newborns 10h00 - 10h30: J. Kleinjans (Department of Health Risk Analysis & Toxicology, University of Maastricht): NewGeneris: The Newborns and Genotoxic exposure risks 10h30 – 11h00: Coffee break 11h00 - 11h30: L.E. Knudsen (Department of Public Health, Section of Environmental Health, University of Copenhagen): Placental passage of carcinogens in an ex vivo human transplacental perfusion system 11h30 – 11h50: I. Decordier (Laboratory of Cell Genetics, Vrije Universiteit Brussel): DNA repair capacity and genetic stability in newborns 11h50 - 12h30: General Assembly meeting of the BEMS 12h30 - 13h30: Lunch Break 13h30 - 14h00: K. Hemminki (Division of Molecular Genetic Epidemiology, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany): Genetics of childhood leukemia 14h00 - 14h30: Y. Benoit (Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, Ghent University Hospital): Childhood Leukemia 14h30 - 14h50: H. Thierens: Radiosensitivity of children with respect to cancer and leukemia: a message to the medical world 14h50 – 15h10: G. Eggermont (BVS-ABR): New public health perspectives in radiation protection with particular attention to childhood leukemia 15h10 - 15h30: G. Van Maele-Fabry (Louvain Centre for Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, Brussels): Children’s exposure to pesticides and the risk of leukemia 15h30 - 15h50: L. Verschaeve (Wetenschappelijk Instituut Volksgezondheid, Belgium): Effects of non ionizing radiation on children’s health 15h50 – 16h00: Concluding remarks by L. Godderis (President of the BEMS)