Forum Geneve, Geneva, Switzerland
27-28 January 2011
Immune cells and their secreted factors have a large influence on cardiovascular pathologies. This conference will highlight the molecular role of myeloid cells and lymphocytes in atherogenesis and talks will be given by leading specialists in the field. Atheromas are dynamic lesions of dysfunctional endothelial and smooth muscle cells driven by infiltrating inflammatory monocyte/macrophages, mast cells or lymphocytes. The recent observations of possible anti-inflammatory roles of immune cell subpopulations and potential therapeutical interventions will be discussed. Please see conference website at for the provisional program.
Invited Speakers:
Keynote speaker Peter Libby (Brigham and Women's Hospital, US) Invited speakers Mat J Daeman (Maastricht University, The Netherlands) Göran K Hansson (Karolinska Institute, Sweden) Johan Kuiper (Leiden University, The Netherlands) Claire Lewis (University of Sheffield, UK) François Mach (University of Geneva, Switzerland) Alberto Mantovani (University of Milan,Italy) Andreas E May (Tübingen University, Germany) Andrew Newby (Bristol Heart Institute, UK) Sussan Nourshargh (William Harvey Resarch Institute, UK) Anna M Randi (National Heart and Lung Institute, UK) Gwendalyn J Randolph (Mount Sinai School of Medicine, US) Eduard Shantsila (Birmingham University, UK) Guo-Ping Shi (Harvard Medical School, US) Ira Tabas (Columbia University, US) Johannes Waltenberger (Maastricht University, The Netherlands) Christian Weber (Aachen University, Germany)