09.30 Registration and coffee
09.55 Opening comments by the Chair
Deniz Tasdemir, University of London, UK
10.00 Back to the future: the continuing value of natural products for drug discovery
Alan Harvey, University of Strathclyde, UK
10.30 In silico strategies for lead identification from Nature
Hermann Stuppner, University of Innsbruck, Austria
11.00 Streamlining the biodiscovery pipeline
Marcel Jaspars, University of Aberdeen, UK
11.30 Bioactive low molecular weight carbohydrate analogues
Robert Nash, Phytoquest Limited, UK
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Synthetic processes of marine anticancer drugs: PharmaMar’s experience
Carmen Cuevas, PharmaMar, Spain
13.30 Biosynthetic engineering approaches to natural product lead optimization
Barrie Wilkinson, Biotica Tech. Ltd, UK
14.00 A sustainable supply of artemisinin from Artemisia annua
Dianna J. Bowles, University of York, UK
14.30 Coffee
15.00 Panel discussion: The present and the future of natural products - where are we heading?
Chair: Deniz Tasdemir, Panel: all speakers
16.00 Close of conference