Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Long Island, New York
October 9-12, 2008
The meeting is being held both to celebrate and to critically examine a significant milestone in human genetics-the first "personal genomes." These ultra high throughput sequencing strategies are used in a very limited number of laboratories and few scientists, and even fewer clinical geneticists, are familiar with the implications of the "$1000" genome. We believe that a meeting which reviews these topics will be very attractive to a range of scientists including biologists, geneticists, and biomedical researchers.
Organized by:
Richard Gibbs, Mary-Claire King, Maynard Olson, Lincoln Stein and Jan Witkowski |
Invited Speakers:
Aravinda Chakravarti, (Johns Hopkins University) Richard Durbin, (The Sanger Institute) Marcus Feldman, (Stanford University Medical School) Paul Flicek, (EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute) Richard Gibbs, (Baylor College of Medicine) Mary-Claire King, (University of Washington) James Lupski, (Baylor College of Medicine) Elaine Mardis, (Washington University School of Medicine) Gabor Marth, (Boston College) Len Pennacchio, (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Lincoln Stein, (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory) Craig Venter, (J. Craig Venter Science Foundation) Stephen Warren, (Emory University School of Medicine) James D. Watson, (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory) Jan Witkowski, (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)
Deadline for Abstracts:
July 16, 2008