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B Cells 2008: Complexity, Integration and Translation

  November 26, 2007  
Hotel Eden Roc, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain
16-21 May 2008

B CELLS 2008: COMPLEXITY, INTEGRATION & TRANSLATION considers B cells in all their colours. Knowledge of B-cell behaviour is a central Public Health issue; not least in relation to vaccines and therapy. B cells also contribute to autoimmune disease while B-cell tumors constitute the majority of haematological cancers. This meeting will encapsulate the very latest advances in our understanding of B-cell physiology and pathobiology. The highly integrated, interdisciplinary approach will ensure a broad-ranging, cutting-edge symposium. Participants will engage with the leaders in each of the fields represented during interactive sessions of talks, posters, discussions and social events. Themes include:1. Theoretical and physical approaches for dissecting complex B-cell phenomena and for validating or adjusting prevalent biological concepts: including mathematical and computerized modelling of B cell physiology together with physical considerations of BCR interactions and signals.2. Control of gene expression via transcription factors in relation to B-cell differentiation and of normal B-cell regulation by endogenous small inhibitory RNAs and their impact on B-cell disease, predominantly, cancer.3. Consideration of B-cell dynamics and homeostasis at the molecular, cellular and population levels.4. The important newly emerging aspects of B-cell as (non-antibody) effectors: both paracrine and autocrine. 5. Translation of the fundamental knowledge on B cell physiology to the treatment of diseases.6. Exploration of the emerging appreciation of the strong dialogue occurring between Immune & Nervous systems: this providing novel B-cell targets as well as new pathways for modulation in health and disease. 7. Potential impact of the above on Society with regards the widespread use/abuse of psychotropic drugs where we are beginning to learn of their deleterious consequences on normal B-cell functioning.
Organized by: European Science Foundation (ESF), in partnership with the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)
Invited Speakers: Facundo Batista,Cancer Research UK, London, UK
Bianca Blom, Amsterdam U., NL
Carl Borrebaeck, University U., SE
Jonathan Braun, California U., Los Angeles, US
Rita Carsetti, Bambino Gesu’ Children Hospital, Rome, IT
Tom Connor, Dublin U., IE
Carlo Croce, Ohio State U., Columbus, US
Thierry Defrance, INSERM, Lyon, FR
Rafael de la Torre, IMIM, Barcelona, ES
Deborah Dunn-Walters, KCL, London, UK
Jose Faro, Vigo U., ES
Manlio Ferrarini, ISTGE, Genova, IT
Antonio Freitas, Institut Pasteur, Paris, FR
Alenka Gagro, IMZ, Zagreb, HR
John Gordon, Birmingham U., UK
Birgitta Heyman, University U., SE
George Kollias, Alexander Fleming Center, Athens, EL
Olli Lassila, Turku U., FI
Mia Levite, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, IL
Rudolf Manz, DRFZ, Berlin, DE
Ramit Mher, Bar-Ilan U., Ramat-Gan, IL
Ken Nilsson, Uppsala U., SE
Louis Staudt, NIH, Bethesda, US
Freda Stevenson, Southampton U., UK
Rainer Straub, U. Hospital, Regensburg, DE
Deadline for Abstracts: Closing Date for Application, as well as for Abstract Submission: 12 February 2008
Registration: Application Form & Programme available from http://www.esf.org/conferences/08210
E-mail: corefice@esf.org
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