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6th Louis Pasteur Conference on Infectious Diseases

  August 25, 2006  
Institut Pasteur, Paris
November 15-17, 2006

The aim of the Conferences Louis Pasteur is to present recent advances in the field of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. The 6th Conference will explore the dynamic cross-talk between the microbe and its host, with a particular emphasis on how the microbe interferes with effectors of the innate and adaptive immune system. The first two sessions will review recent insights into how the microbe both shapes and uses developmental patterns of its host. Such insights have emerged from studies of symbiotic microbe-host interactions and of microbe-triggered pathogenic processes in genetically tractable hosts. The conference will also present our current understanding of the multiple ways in which the microbe cross talks with the innate and adaptive immune system of the host, and may induce immune tolerance or disrupt the immune system regulatory pathways.
Organized by: Institut Pasteur
Invited Speakers: M. Albert, Institut Pasteur, FR - M. T. Abreu, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, USA - G. Alexander, Adenbrooke's Hospital, UK - R. Andino, UCSF, USA - C. Antoniewski, Institut Pasteur, FR - F. M. Ausubel, Harvard Medical School, USA - C. T. Baldari, University of Siena, IT - Y. Belkaid, NIH, USA - W. Bitter, Vrije University Medical Centre, NL - M. Brahic, Institut Pasteur, FR - J. Di Santo, Institut Pasteur, FR - D. Douek, NIH, USA - G. Eberl, Institut Pasteur, FR - J. Ewbank, Université de la Méditerranée, FR - S. Gordon, University of Oxford, UK - A. Goldfeld, Harvard Medical School, USA - S. M. Hedrick, UCSD, USA - R. L. Hendricks, University of Pittsburgh, USA - L. Hooper, University of Texas, USA - S. Jonjic, University of Rijeka, HR - J. Kurtz, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, CH - D. L. Kasper, Harvard Medical School, USA - B. Lemaitre, CNRS, FR - M. McFall-Ngai, University of Wisconsin, USA - K. Mills, Trinity College, Dublin, IE - G. Milon, Institut Pasteur, Paris, FR - M. C. Nussenzweig, Rockefeller University, USA - A. O'Garra, NIMR, UK - E. Pamer, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, USA - N. Perrimon, Harvard Medical School, USA - B. Rouse, University of Tennessee, USA - P. Sansonetti, Institut Pasteur, FR - P. Staeheli, University of Freiburg, DE - O. Voinnet, CNRS, FR - T. A. Wynn, NIH, USA - M. Yazdanbakhsh, Leiden University Medical Center, NL
Deadline for Abstracts: 2006-09-22
Registration: http://www.pasteur.fr/infosci/conf/sb/clp6/speakers.html
E-mail: clp6@pasteur.fr
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