Syngenta, Jealott's Hill, Bracknell, UK, Syngenta, Jealott's Hill, Bracknell, UK
Tuesday 28 November 2006
Plants have been a source of nutrition, medicines and crop protection agents for centuries and it is still true today that over 50% of all medication taken in the developed world is derived from plant origins. Some of the earliest insecticides are extracted from plants and these are still used in both organic and conventional farming. There is resurgent interest in traditional Chinese plant-based remedies in search of active principles and significant progress is evident.
All flesh is grass’, Isaiah tells us in the Bible. We have derived much benefit from plants but there is much more that can be done. Plants are clean, environmentally friendly ‘factories’ that produce a wealth of novel, biologically active chemicals and, with time, we expect to discover an increasing number of compounds with more and more uses. This meeting will discuss the opportunities for optimising naturally-based remedies in medicine, new plant-based approaches to crop protection and how vitamin deficiencies can be alleviated simply, cheaply and effectively. It is an opportunity to debate these issues and identify the way forward, assess the opportunities, applaud the successes and look to the promises for the future.
Organized by:
Society of Chemical Industry (SCI) |
Invited Speakers:
David Evans, dae.bioscience.associates RSC Industrial medal lecture;
Daryl Rees, Phytopharm, UK;
John A Pickett, Rothamsted Research, UK;
Monique S J Simmonds, Jodrell Laboratory, Kew, UK and Bhupinder P S Khambay, Rothamsted Research, UK;
David Marks, Plant Impact, UK; Glynn Mitchell, David W Bartlett, Torquil E M Fraser, Tim R Hawkes and David C Holt, Syngenta, UK; Michael Heinrich, School of Pharmacy, University of London, UK;
Peter Houghton, King’s College, UK;
Richard Mithen, Institute of Food Research, UK;
Ian Law, Warren Smith and Jeremy Tomkinson, National Non-food Crops Centre, York, UK
Deadline for Abstracts:
Monday 14 August 2006
To register, or for further information please log on to www.soci.org