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Reproduction: Advances and Challenges

  June 15, 2006  

Keystone Symposia, Santa Fe, New Mexico
February 20 - 25, 2007

Reproduction is a complicated process designed to diversify and strengthen the genetic complement of the offspring. Accordingly, the field of reproduction, which has spawned many important research areas such as stem cell biology, spans a wide spectrum of topics that greatly impact human health. This meeting will bring together leaders in the field of mammalian reproduction. The sessions will focus on critical molecular determinants of reproductive success in the context of hormonal, immunologic and genetic factors. Areas that will be covered include ovarian and testicular development and function together with gametogenesis. Additionally, placental and uterine biology will be highlighted as well as the mechanisms, including the actions of steroid hormones, coordinating the dialogue between embryonic and maternal cells, which culminates in implantation. The meeting will conclude by summarizing important new developments in the areas of immunology and epigenetic regulation of gene expression as related to reproductive processes.
Organized by: Susan J. Fisher, Sudhansu K. Dey and R. Michael Roberts
Invited Speakers: - Fuller Bazer, Texas A&M University
- Neil Brockdorff, Medical Research Council, Clinical Sciences Centre
- Blanche Capel, Duke University Medical Center
- Daniel Carson, University of Delaware
- Jerold Chun, The Scripps Research Institute
- Marco Conti, Stanford University
- James (Jay) Cross, University of Calgary
- Sudhansu Dey, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
- John Eppig, The Jackson Laboratory
- Adrian Erlebacher, Harvard School of Public Health
- Susan Fisher, University of California, San Francisco
- Linda Giudice, University of California, San Francisco
- Michael Griswold, Washington State University
- Jan-Åke Gustafsson, Karolinska University Hospital
- Janet Hall, Massachusetts General Hospital
- Randy Jirtle, Duke University
- Ashley King, University of Cambridge
- Barbara Knowles, The Jackson Laboratory
- Tilo Kunath, University of Edinburgh
- Emin Maltepe, University of California, San Francisco
- Martin Matzuk, Baylor College of Medicine
- Masaru Okabe, Osaka University
- Bert O'Malley, Baylor College of Medicine
- Eric Prossnitz, University of New Mexico
- Renee Reijo-Pera, University of California, San Francisco
- JoAnne Richards , Baylor College of Medicine
- R. Roberts, University of Missouri
- Hans Schöler, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine
- Richard Schultz, University of Pennsylvania
- David Smith, Mayo Clinic-Scottsdale
- Jack Strominger, Harvard University
Deadline for Abstracts: Oct. 20, 2006
Registration: Please see website
E-mail: info@keystonesymposia.org
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