Keystone Symposia, Santa Fe, New Mexico
February 10 - 15, 2007
Our appreciation of the complexity of tumor biology has led us from considering tumors as autonomous masses of mutant cells to an awareness of tumors as entities that can hijack and exploit various normal physiologic processes of the host. The frequent presence of inflammatory cell infiltrates and chemical mediators of inflammation in tumors has been recognized for over a century, although an understanding of their role during cancer development has been elusive. Leukocytic infiltrates and cytokine/chemokine networks in premalignant tissues and tumors can be distinct, depending upon the stage of malignant development and organ microenvironment. Current thinking is that activated immune cells provide both anti- and pro-tumorigenic signals, thus representing targets to be harnessed or attacked for therapeutic advantage depending upon environmental and/or cellular context. T lymphocytes are being exploited for their ability to induce tumor regression, as are strategies that disable innate immune cells or neutralize immunosuppressive or pro-inflammatory microenvironments. Such approaches may also provide clinical benefit for at-risk cancer patients and those with pre-malignant lesions. This meeting will link innate and adaptive immune regulatory mechanisms with cancer development and cancer treatment by focusing on relevant basic research, preclinical, translational and clinical studies.
Organized by:
Lisa M. Coussens, Frances R. Balkwill and Glenn Dranoff |
Invited Speakers:
- James Allison, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center - Frances Balkwill, John Vane Science Centre Cancer Research UK - Dafna Bar-Sagi, Stony Brook University - Martin Blaser, New York University School of Medicine - Lisa Coussens, University of California, San Francisco - Glenn Dranoff, Dana Farber Cancer Institute - Raymond DuBois, Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center - Susan Erdman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Olivera Finn, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine - Elaine Fuchs, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Rockefeller University - Dmitry Gabrilovich, University of South Florida - Randall Johnson, University of California, San Diego - Michael Karin, University of California, San Diego - Claire Lewis, University of Sheffield - Alberto Mantovani, Instituto Clinico Humanitas - Luigi Naldini, San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy - Roberta Ness, University of Pittsburgh - Martin Oft, SP-Biopharma - Suzanne Ostrand-Rosenberg, University of Maryland - Drew Pardoll, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine - Richard Peek, Vanderbilt University - Jeffrey Pollard, Albert Einstein College of Medicine - David Raulet, University of California, Berkeley - Robert Schreiber, Washington University School of Medicine - Mark Smyth, Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute - Anil Sood, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center - Robert Tepper, Millennium Pharmaceuticals - Zena Werb, University of California, San Francisco
Deadline for Abstracts:
Oct. 10, 2006
Please see website