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Host Cell Interaction and Response to the Cancer Cell

  June 15, 2006  

Keystone Symposia, Keystone, Colorado
January 21 - 26, 2007

Tumor growth and invasion depends on the ability of tumor cells to respond to a wide range of host cells. However, it is clear that host cells also respond to the presence of the tumor. In fact it is the outcome of these cellular interactions that may well predict the clinical course of a wide variety of cancers. During growth at the primary site, tumor cells interact locally with fibroblasts and their extracellular matrix. Tumors often produce an inflammatory response causing immune cell recruitment to the tumor; the ability of a tumor cell to evade this immune recognition is a critical determinant of the tumor’s capacity to spread. Tumor cell invasion and metastasis also depend on the ability of tumor cells to recruit a blood supply to nourish the tumor. The resulting blood vessels often serve as a conduit for metastasis. While in the circulation, interactions between tumor cells and platelets can further facilitate tumor metastasis. Ultimately, tumors respond to a variety of cells and microenvironments in a wide range of organs including the lymph node, lung, liver, brain, and bone. Given the critical role of tumor cell-host cell interactions in tumor growth and metatasis as well as the therapeutic potential offered by intervening in these interactions, developing a better understanding of the molecular basis for these cellular interactions is imperative. In addition, it is critical to determine how these cell-cell interactions directly influence the cancer cell and its gene expression, proliferation rate, and capacity to evade recognition by host immune cells. The goal of this meeting will be to bring together experts in areas such as tumor immunology, angiogenesis and tumor cell biology to begin to define the host cellular response to the tumor and to identify new molecular pathways leading to a better understanding of tumor invasion and metastasis.
Organized by: David A. Cheresh and Nicholas P. Restifo
Invited Speakers: - Gabriele Bergers, University of California, San Francisco
- Thomas Blankenstein, Max Delbruck Center for Molecular Medicine
- Judith Campisi, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- David Cheresh, University of California, San Diego
- Yves DeClerck, Children's Hospital Los Angeles
- Elisabetta Dejana, Instituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche
- Harold Dvorak, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
- Brunhilde Felding-Habermann, The Scripps Research Institute
- Napoleone Ferrara, Genentech, Inc.
- Isaiah Fidler, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
- Peter Friedl, University of Wuerzburg
- Filippo Giancotti, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
- Michael Karin, University of California, San Diego
- Michael Klagsbrun, Children's Hospital Boston
- Alberto Mantovani, Instituto Clinico Humanitas
- Joan Massagué, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
- Donald McDonald, University of California, San Francisco
- Harold Moses, Vanderbilt University
- Ruth Muschel, John Radcliffe Hospital,
- Drew Pardoll, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
- Jeffrey Pollard, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
- Shahin Rafii, Cornell University Medical College
- Ulf Rapp, University of Wurzburg
- Nicholas Restifo, National Institutes of Health
- Marc Tessier-Lavigne, Genentech, Inc.
- Judith Varner, University of California, San Diego
- Bruce Zetter, Children's Hospital Boston
Deadline for Abstracts: Sept. 21, 2006
Registration: Please see website
E-mail: info@keystonesymposia.org
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