Syndicat des Biologistes, CNIT-La Défense
03-04-05 November 2005
50th Anniversary of JIB (Journées Internationales de Biologie) Dates : 3-5 November 2005 Place (Venue) : CNIT, Paris La Défense, France Description : The JIB will be celebrating their 50th anniversary at the CNIT Convention Centre in Paris, on November 3 to 5, 2005. Every year, an increasing number of biologists from the private and hospital sector, interns, researchers biomedical engineers, technicians and laboratory assistants come together at the JIB and convene to learn about the latest developments and progress in their profession and get informed about the impact of innovating technologies in their specialty. More than 8000 visitors have attended the event in 2004, with a foreign participation of 15%, and 147 exhibitors have anounced and presented their latest developments of products and services. This jubilee anniversary offers the occasion and ideal venue to show a retrospective exhibition of devices that illustrate 50 years of technological progress in Medical Biology. Furthermore, in line with their proactive approach of advancement and interchange with other European countries, this year, the JIB will offer a place of honour to Italy.