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IBC's Drug Discovery to Clinical Trials: Global Partnering and New Science

  July 01, 2005  
-, Renaissance Mumbai Hotel & Convention Center, Mumbai, India
October 5-7, 2005

IBC’s Drug Discovery to Clinical Trials conference will provide you with an overview of the country-by-country landscape in Asia with a special in-depth focus on the capabilities and opportunities in India. You will hear from companies who are currently conducting drug discovery research and clinical trials in Asia and who are ready to talk about the successes, challenges and lessons they have learned. You will also have the opportunity to meet with companies across Asia as well as the US and Europe so that by the end of the conference, you will have a working knowledge of where the business and scientific opportunities lie in this exciting market. To register and get full details, visit: www.drugdisc.com/asiapacific; or call +65 6835 5136.
Organized by: IBC Life Sciences
Invited Speakers: -
Deadline for Abstracts: -
Registration: Online: www.drugdisc.com/asiapacific
Tel: +65 6835 5136
E-mail: enquiry@ibcasia.com.sg
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