National Academy of Sciences Sackler Colloquia, Irvine, California, USA
December 12-13, 2005
The Tapestry of Life: Lateral Transfers of Heritable ElementsBeckman Center of the National Academies at Irvine, California December 12-13, 2005 Organizers: Jonathan Eisen, Siv Andersson, Jeffrey Gordon, and Claire Fraser Co-Chairs: Jeffrey Gordon and Claire Fraser Sunday, December 11 Evening registration, informal gathering of speakers and participants, Hyatt Regency Newport Beach hotel Monday, December 12 7:00 AM Poster setup 7:30 AM Breakfast 8:45 AM Greetings, Jeffrey Gordon Introductory comments about purpose/goals of meeting Session I: Mechanisms and Experimental Studies of LGT (9:00 AM -12:30 PM) Global Phage Diversity and the Movement of Genes, Forest Rohwer (San Diego State University) Prochlorococcus Diversity: How to Dominate the Oceans with 2000 Genes, Penny Chisholm (MIT) LGT in the Human Colon: How Much and How Important?, Abigail Salyers (University of Illinois) Molecular Machinery for Lateral Transfer of Introns, Marlene Belfort (Wadsworth Center, NYS Department of Health) 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch Session II: Methods of Detection (1:45 PM - 5:45 PM) Measuring Non-Random LGT Among Bacterial Lineages, Jeffrey Lawrence (University of Pittsburgh) Are Horizontal Gene Transfers the Most Disturbing Limitation for Inferring Prokaryotic Phylogeny?, Herve Philippe (University of Montreal) Relationships Between Contemporary and Extinct Genome Sequences within the Network of Life, Christos Ouzounis (European Bioinformatics Institute) The Ring of Life and the Origin of Eukaryotes, James Lake (UCLA) End session with panel discussion 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Poster Session 7:30 PM Dinner Tuesday, December 13 7:30 AM Breakfast Session III: Case Studies (8:30 AM - 12:00 PM) - Siv Andersson (Chair) Goals: More in depth presentations of illustrative/provocative case studies of LGT Plant Mitochondrial Genomes: Unexpected Bounties of Lateral Gene Transfer, Jeffrey Palmer (Indiana University) Enterococcal Pheromone-Responsive Plasmids: Broad-Host Range Transfer Controlled by Narrow-Host Range Cell-Cell Signaling, Gary Dunny (University of Minnesota) How to Recover the History of the Archaeal Domain, despite Lateral Gene Transfer?, Patrick Forterre (University of Paris) Comparative Alpha-Proteobacterial Genomics, Siv Andersson (University of Uppsala) 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM Lunch Session IV: Evolutionary Implications of LGT (1:30 PM - 3:30 PM) - Jonathan Eisen (Chair) Environmental Genomics and LGT: Can we Identify Organisms through their DNA if all Organisms are Chimeras?, Jonathan Eisen (The Institute for Genomic Research) Inferring Eukaryotic Divergences, Sandra Baldauf (University of York) Impact of Lateral Gene Transfer on the Eukaryotic Nuclear Genome, Patrick Keeling (University of British Columbia) "Web of Life", Ford Doolittle (Dalhousie University) 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Wrap-Up: Impact, Applications, Future Challenges Comparative Microbial Genomics: Insights into Evolution and Organismal Diversity, Claire Fraser (The Institute for Genomic Research) Panel Discussion of major future intellectual/disciplinary/technical challenges for the field