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Young Bioinformaticians Forum 2005

  June 20, 2005  

UK Bioinformatics Forum, London, UK
21st October, 2005

YBF 2005 will be held at the prestigious Institute of Physics, 76 Portland Place, London W1B 1NT, UK.
The conference opens on Friday October 21st, 2005 at 09:15h and closes at 17.00h.

On the 21st of October 2005, the and UK Bioinformatics Forum (UKBF, http://www.bio.org.uk), RSC Molecular Modelling Group (MMG, http://www.rscmodelling.org/) and the Institute of Physics (http://www.iop.org/) will jointly hold the third annual Young Bioinformaticians Forum 2005 (YBF). BMC Bioinformatics is the media partner for this meeting.

The web site for the meeting, which contains links to all last year’s talks, is: http://www.ybf.org

The winning speaker will receive a prize of £250, and the winning poster will win £100.

Last year’s meeting was a tremendous success, with over 130 attendees.

Like last year, the purpose of the YBF is two-fold:

(i) YBF is an opportunity for postgraduates to present research among their peer group in a competitive but friendly atmosphere
(ii) YBF is a networking opportunity for post-docs, group leaders and industry to seek out new talent and keep abreast of fast moving topics

Call for Abstracts

We are calling for abstracts and posters in the following areas of bioinformatics:

* Systems Biology
* Structural biology
* Genome analysis and annotation
* Data mining
* Computational biology
* Ontologies

We aim to attract the best pre-PhD bioinformaticians to speak and attend the YBF from as wide an area of bioinformatics as possible. YBF is inclusive, being open to applications from current post-graduate students of all ages, from all universities and all countries.

If you are a postgraduate student, I should like to invite you to submit an abstract. If you are a supervisor, I should like to invite you to nominate a graduate student to speak at the meeting, who should then submit an abstract.

Abstract submission

Please submit abstract by Aug 15th 2005 to be considered to as a speaker, or September 15th 2005 to be considered for a poster presentation. Those delegates whose abstracts were not selected for speaking slots will automatically be considered for a poster presentation.

Each abstract should include the surnames and initials of the authors, as well as a title, the affiliatons of the authors (University or Institute Department of School), the abstract (text only) should be no more than 300 words.

Organized by: UK Bioinformatics Forum
Invited Speakers: The organizers will sift through submitted abstracts and select a balanced and appropriate agenda from these submissions.
Deadline for Abstracts: August 15th 2005
Registration: The registration fee for students is just £50 (£58.75 inc. VAT before Sept. 21, £75 after Sept 21 - £88.13 inc. VAT), for academics, postdocs and industry scientists registration is £85 (£99.88 inc. VAT before Sept. 21, £115 after Sept 21 - £135.13 inc. VAT). This includes refreshments upon arrival, lunch and coffee breaks.

Click here to register: http://www.ybf.org/registration.htm

E-mail: jon.rees@bioinformaticsforumuk.net
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