International Society for Neurochemistry, Innsbruck, Austria
August 21-26, 2005
The program structure is similar to previous ISN Biennial Meetings and includes plenary lectures, symposia, colloquia, workshops and posters.
Organized by:
International Society for Neurochemistry jointly with Austrian Neuroscience Association |
Invited Speakers:
not yet defined, please find all updated information under
Deadline for Abstracts:
March 15, 2005 Deadline Abstract Submission and Early Registration
Registration fees will be published together with the second announcement in October 2004 at the latest. We shall attempt to keep the fees at the lowest possible level.
Reduced fees will be available for members of the International Society for Neurochemistry and the European Society for Neurochemistry. The databases provided by the respecive societies at the time of registration will serve as reference for membership. Please check as to whether your membership is in good standing.
Significant additional reductions will apply to student scientists.
Registration will be possible online and with a printed registration form. See "dates & deadlines" for availability of registration material and opening of online registration.