The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine
September 16 - 19, 2004
Friday, September 17th Session I: Structure and function of molecules involved in immune recognition (Mark Davis, Stanford University and Ian Wilson, Scrippe Research Institute, Co-chairs)David Fremont, Washington University K. Christopher Gracia, Stanford University Yueh-Hsiu Chien, Stanford University Kai Wucherpfennig, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Session II: Assembly of MHC molecules and generation of MHC ligands (Elizabeth Mellins, Stanford Univ. School of Medicine and Colin Watts, University of Dundee, Co-chairs) Albert Bendelac, University of Chicago Nilabh Shastri, University of California, Berkeley Emil Unanue, Washington University School of Medicine Alexander Rudensky, University of Washington Lisa Denzin, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Saturday, September 18th Session III: Assembly of MHC molecules and generation of MHC ligands (Peter Cresswell, Yale Univ. School of Medicine and Kenneth Rock, University of Massachusetts, Co-chairs) Jacques Neefjes, Netherland Cancer Institute Peter Kloetzl, Humbolt University Jonathan Yewdell, NIAID/NIH Peter Van Endert, INSERM 25 Sabastian Amigorena, Institut Curie Alfred Goldberg, Harvard Medical School Michael Desjardins, University of Montreal Session IV: Antigen presentation in vivo and APC (Ira Mellman, Yale University School of Medicine and Marc Jenkins, University of Minnesota, Co-chairs) Marc Jenkins, University of Minnesota Ulrich von Andrian Ira Mellman, Yale University School of Medicine William Heath, WEHI of Medical Research Ralph Steinman Caetano Reis e Sousa, London Research Institute Sunday, September 19th Session V: Pathogen recognition by immune system (Hidde Ploegh, Harvard Medical School and Ruslan Medshitov, Yale University , Co-chairs) Akiko Iwasaki, Yale University Eric Pamer, Yale University School of Medicine Session VI: MHC/TCR interactions in T cell physiology (Diane Mathis, Harvard University and Phillipa Marrack, National Jewish Medical Research Center, HHMI, Co-chairs)
Bernard Malissen David Kranz, University of Illinois
Organized by:
Alexander Chervonsky, Ph.D., The Jackson Laboratory |
Invited Speakers:
Sabastian Amigorena, Ph.D., Institut Curie Alexander Chervonsky, Ph.D., The Jackson Laboratory Peter Cresswell, Ph.D., Yale Univ. School of Medicine Mark Davis, Ph.D., Stanford University Lisa Denzin, Ph.D., Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Daved Fremont, Ph.D., Washington University K. Christopher Garcia, Ph.D., Stanford University Alfred Goldberg, Ph.D., Harvard Medical School William Heath, Ph.D., WEHI of Medical Research Akiko Iwasaki, Ph.D., Yale University Marc Jenkins, Ph.D., University of Minnesota Peter Kloetzel, Ph.D., Humbolt University David Kranz, Ph.D., University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Phillipa Marrack, Ph.D., National Jewish Medical Research Center, HHMI Diane Mathis, Ph.D., Harvard University Ruslan Medzhitov, Ph.D., Yale University Elizabeth Mellins, M.D., Stanford Univ. School of Medicine. Ira Mellman, Ph.D., Yale Univ. School of Medicine Jacques Neefjes, Ph.D., Netherland Cancer Institute Hidde Ploegh, Ph.D., Harvard Medical School Caetano Reis e Sousa, Ph.D., London Research Institute Kenneth Rock, M.D., Univ. of Massachusetts Alexander Rudensky, Ph.D., University of Washington Nilabh Shastri, Ph.D., University of CA - Berkeley Emil Unanue, Ph.D., Washington University School of Medicine Peter van Endert, M.D., INSERM 25 Colin Watts, Ph.D., University of Dundee Ian Wilson, Ph.D., Scrippe Research Institute Kai Wucherphennig, M.D., Ph.D., Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Jonathan Yewdell, M.D., Ph.D., NIAID/NIH
Deadline for Abstracts:
July 15, 2004
On-line registration is available