Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory/Wellcome Trust Joint Conference, Hinxton, UK
September 22 - 26, 2004
The fourth Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory/Wellcome Trust conference on Genome Informatics will be held at the Hinxton Hall Conference Centre on the Wellcome Trust Genome Campus in Hinxton, UK. The meeting will begin on the evening of Wednesday September 22, and finish after lunch on Sunday, September 26, 2004. The focus for this conference is large-scale genome informatics. Biology is an experimental science that is experiencing an explosion of new data. This requires biologists to increase the scale and sophistication in the information technology used for their research. The conference scope encompasses the management and the analysis of these data, such as whole genome comparisons within and among species and strains, the analysis of results from high throughput experiments to uncover cellular pathways and molecular interactions, and the design of effective algorithms to identify regulatory sequence motifs. The conference brings together the leading scientists in this growing field, and we strongly encourage researchers from other large-scale information handling disciplines to attend. Topics and Discussion Leaders: Comparative Genomics Algorithms Large Scale Genomics Functional Genomics Proteomics Databases, Knowledgebases, & Ontologies