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Dynamic Organization of Nuclear Function

  January 13, 2004  

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, New York
September 29 - October 3, 2004

You are cordially invited to participate in the fourth meeting on Dynamic Organization of Nuclear Function, which will be held at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. The meeting will begin on the evening of Wednesday, September 29, 2004, and will conclude with lunch on Sunday, October 3. The specific goal for this meeting is to bring together cellular and molecular biologists to discuss recent advances in the spatial and temporal aspects of nuclear structure/function.

Topics and Session Chairs:

Nuclear Structure and Disease
Colin Stewart, National Cancer Institute, Frederick

The Nuclear Periphery
Susan Wente, Washington University School of Medicine

Emerging Technologies to Access Nuclear Organization
John Sedat, University of California, San Francisco

Chromosome Organization and Gene Regulation
Amanda Fisher, RPMS and Hammersmith Hospital, London, UK

RNA Processing and Dynamics
Thoru Pederson, University of Massachusetts Medical School

Nuclear Bodies
Hughes de The, CNRS Hospital St. Louis. Paris, France

Chromosomes and the Cell Cycle
Bill Earnshaw, University of Edinburgh, UK

Organized by: Wendy Bickmore, Michael Rout & David Spector
Invited Speakers: The format of the meeting will include morning and evening sessions consisting of eight or nine 15-minute talks per session, selected from the abstracts, principally on unpublished work. In addition, there will be three poster sessions, held in the afternoons. The organizers will decide the suitability of each abstract for oral or poster presentation, but please specify if you prefer a poster.
Deadline for Abstracts: July 7, 2004
Registration: Register and submit abstracts here
E-mail: meetings@cshl.edu
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