Australasian Society of Cytogeneticists, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
26 March - 28 March 2004
Invited speakersSubmitted papers and posters on Prenatal, Constitutional and Oncological Cytogenetics. Workshops: FISH nomenclature Towards best practice in prenatal cytogenetics HGSA exam preparation Developments in CGH and micoarray technology.
Organized by:
sandra.heard@dhhs.tas.gov.au |
Invited Speakers:
Professor MA Ferguson-Smith FRS, Cambridge, UK "The Evolutionary History of the Human Karyotype"Dr Ellie Smith, The New Children's Hospital, Westmead, NSW,Australia "10 years of ASoC"
Deadline for Abstracts:
30 January 2004
ASoC Conference
C/- Convention Wise
Mures Building, Victoria Dock
Hobart Tasmania Australia 7000
Ph: International +61 3 6234 1424 Australia (03) 6234 1424
Fax: International +61 3 6231 5388 Australia (03) 6231 5388
Email: mail@conventionwise.com.au