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PAUL BASSET MEMORIAL MEETING "Matrix metalloproteinases in physiological and pathological processes
IGBMC , Illkirch (near Strasbourg), France
November 24 - November 25, 2000


Friday (afternoon), November 24, 2000

Session I: Biological and pathological functions

William C. Parks (Saint Louis, USA)
“Metalloproteinases in epithelial repair and defense”

Francesco Blasi (Milan, Italy)
“Urokinase receptor, signal transduction and cell migration”

Agnès Noel (Sart Tilman, Belgium)
“Angiogenic activity of plasminogen activator inhibitor PAI-1”

Patrick Anglard (Strasbourg, France)
“Unusual control of stromelysin-3 expression”

Lynn Matrisian (Nashville, USA)
“Matrilysin in tumor progression”

Session II: Clinical studies

Keld Danoe (Copenhagen, Denmark)
“Cancer invasion and tissue remodeling: common themes in proteolytic matrix degradation”

Philippe Birembaut (Reims, France)
“MMPs and bronchial cell migration: from wound healing to cancer”

Michael J. Duffy (Dublin, Ireland)
“Matrix metalloproteinases in breast cancer”

Saturday, November 25, 2000

Session III: Biological and pathological functions

Zena Werb (San Francisco, USA)
“The role of matrix metalloproteinases in angiogenesis during development and neoplasia”

Carlos Lopez-Otin (Oviedo, Spain)
“Stromelysin-3 and collagenase-3: connections and parallelisms”

Charles Streuli (Manchester, UK)
“Mechanism of extracellular matrix control of apoptosis in breast epithelium”

Marie-Christine Rio (Strasbourg, France)
“Stromelysin-3: current status”

Margaret Shipp (Boston, USA)
“Stromelysin-3 in the tumor microenvironment”

Session IV: Therapeutical perspectives

Peter D. Brown (Oxford, UK)
“Clinical experience with matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors”

Vincent Dive (Gif-sur-Yvette, France)
“Development of phosphinic peptide inhibitors of MMPs: in vitro and in vivo activities”

Robert S. Kerbel (Toronto, Canada)
“A new, non toxic, chemotherapy-based anti-angiogenic strategy to treat cancer”

Organized by:

Dr. Marie-Christine RIO

Invited Speakers:

Dr. Patrick Anglard (Strasbourg, France), Dr. Philippe Birembaut (Reims, France), Dr. Francesco Blasi (Milan, Italy), Dr. Peter D. Brown (Oxford, UK), Dr. Keld Danoe (Copenhagen, Denmark), Dr. Vincent Dive (Gif-sur-Yvette, France), Dr. Michael J. Duffy (Dublin, Ireland), Dr. Robert Kerbel (Toronto, Canada), Dr. Carlos Lopez-Otin (Oviedo, Spain), Dr. Lynn Matrisian (Nashville, USA), Dr. Agnès Noel (Sart Tilman, Belgium), Dr. William Parks (Saint Louis, USA), Dr. Marie-Christine RIO (Strasbourg, France), Dr. Margaret Shipp (Boston, USA), Dr. Charles Streuli (Manchester, UK), Dr. Zena Werb (San Francisco, USA).

Deadline for Abstracts:

June 30, 2000


Deadline : May 30, 2000
Registration Fees: FF350 + Hotel
see our web site:
Email for Requests and Registration:

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date: March 30, 2000 8:40:48
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