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Stop Letting that Difficult Person Ruin your Day

  August 18, 2020  
Hrtrainonline, Online


Success in our high-pressure world hinges not just on our technical skills, but also on our ability to deal effectively with others and remain energized at the same time.

We all have people who push our buttons and create drama in our lives. If that relationship is with our boss, colleagues or clients, it can drain our energy, take us off track and infect the other areas of our life. The key for HR professionals is to find effective ways to work with them and build a positive, successful relationship.

Negativity Costs. Many of us have learned to avoid, rather than deal with the bullies, know-it-alls, and other difficult people in our life, because it is easier than confronting the source of the problem. But, overlooking the problem is the worst thing we can do.

We have more control than we might think. Nothing can change the fact that some people are simply more difficult to deal with. What we can change is our reaction. Reducing the drama with our boss, colleagues and clients depends on being able to understand and respond appropriately to their behaviours.

This workshop is MORE than just about learning effective communication skills. Learn successful strategies and tips for building a positive, productive relationship by knowing HOW to effectively respond, cope, and manage the impact of their behaviour.

End frustration. Act rather than re-act and be more successful.

Why you should Attend:Negative and difficult people are toxic and can ruin our day. Learn successful strategies and tips for building a positive, productive workplace by knowing WHAT to focus on to move the conversation forward, HOW to effectively respond, and WAYS to manage the impact of their behaviour.

How you and your organization deal with negative and difficult people can mean the difference between having a toxic, drama-filled workplace and an engaged, productive organization.

  • Avoided conversations or meetings because you didn't want to risk another conflict?
  • Lost your patience or let others push your hot buttons and regretted it later?
  • Wished you could be more assertive and maintain your composure when dealing with emotional customers, colleagues, family or friends?

If so, this presentation is for you.

Areas Covered in the Session:
  • Identify and control the impact of difficult people so that you can keep the situation from escalating further
  • Increase insight and differentiate the 4 types of attitudes and understand how they develop in order to keep your cool in a variety of situations
  • Learn how to gain control and handle these negative and difficult people by identifying the payoff
  • Uncover the secret to moving difficult conversations forward
  • Know how to act, not react, in solving situations so that you can approach your work and life with more confidence, feel less stress, and gain more success in working and interacting with these people

Who Will Benefit:
  • Human Resources Professionals
  • Health and Safety Reps
  • Union Reps
  • Supervisors, Manager, Directors (Team Leads)
  • Executive Directors Not-For-Profit
  • Business Owners, Entrepreneurs
  • C-Suite
Organized by: Event Manager
Invited Speakers: Beverly Beuermann-King specializes in working with people and organizations who want to control their reactions to stress, build resiliency against life's challenges and live healthy, successful lives using her S-O-S Principle™.
Deadline for Abstracts: 2020-09-11
Registration: https://hrtrainonline.com/webinar/stop-letting-that-difficult-person-ruin-your-day:-effectively-handle-toxic-people-for-better-productivity-and-less-drama--30196LIVE
E-mail: hrtrainonline@gmail.com
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