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Dealing with Office Gossip

  August 18, 2020  
Hrtrainonline, Online


How an organization deals with gossip can be mean the difference between growing and thriving, or disintegrating from within. Office gossip is a fact of life - what you do with it is up to you.

Come to this 60 min virtual meeting and find out the answers to your questions. Stop gossip in its tracks before it ruins your reputation!

Why you should Attend:Gossip. It happens in every workplace and in every family. For some reason, we just love to talk about others. Until that conversation is about us. When we're the subject of office gossip, it no longer seems like harmless entertainment.

So, what do you do? Do you confront the gossips? Do you deny? Do you ignore? Is gossip in the workplace really dangerous? Can it ruin your reputation? Should you take the "high road" and ignore it, or should you deal with it head on?

Find out what to do and why you should do it. Don't "guess" at the correct way of dealing with office gossip - there is TOO MUCH at stake to chance.

Areas Covered in the Session:
  • Learning to Tell the Difference between conversation and gossip (you would hate to be an accidental gossip!)
  • Why it is wrong to gossip (everyone does it!)
  • How can we protect against participating in gossip
  • What to do when the gossip is about you
  • Stop gossip in its tracks before it ruins your reputation!

Who Will Benefit:
  • All Employees
  • Managers
  • HR
Organized by: Event Manager
Invited Speakers: Rhonda Scharf CSP, HoF Insightful humorous entertaining even contagious words that are often used to describe Rhonda Scharf. A speaker with the uncanny ability to look at the normal and see something quite different.

Rhonda is a Professional Speaker and member of the Canadian Speaking Hall of Fame, Trainer and Author, based in Ottawa. She has spoken to tens of thousands of people in dozens of different countries.
Deadline for Abstracts: 2020-09-05
Registration: https://hrtrainonline.com/webinar/dealing-with-office-gossip-30074LIVE
E-mail: hrtrainonline@gmail.com
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