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Resolving Conflict and Effective Mediation

  August 19, 2019  
Traininng.com LLC, Online



If you avoid arguments, lie to keep the peace, or believe that hiding behind your desk is better that disagreeing than this webinar is for you. Conflict is not a bad thing, in fact it can a truly positive tool in your professional toolkit if you let it. By taking hard conversations, feedback, and discomfort and transforming it with mediation and compassion you can grow in ways you never before imagined.

This webinar will show you have to use conflict for good, tools for effective mediation, and give you confidence in using disagreements to strengthen your team. 


Why should you Attend


Most people don't like conflict and those who do like it are often overly combative. But what if you could face conflict without fear or aggression? If you have effective tools to mediate disagreements and know when to walk away you can. As leaders we cannot avoid conflict all together, it is a natural part of life and business.

In this webinar we will discuss the best tips for approaching conflict and mediating with positive impact making hard conversations easier.


Areas Covered in the Session


  • The good side of conflict
  • How to approach hard conversations
  • What mediation is
  • Compromise and common ground
  • Leaning into conflict competency


Who Will Benefit


  • Anyone
Organized by: Traininng.com LLC
Invited Speakers: Dr. Laura McGuire is the founder of the National Center for Equity and Agency. She has worked as an instructor, presenter, educator, consultant, and trainer. Her experience includes both public and private sectors, middle schools, high schools, and university settings. In 2015, she served as the first Sexual Violence Prevention and Education Program Manager at the University of Houston, and in 2017, she became the first Victim Advocate/Prevention Educator at the US Merchant Marine Academy. Dr. McGuire lives the United States, where she works as a full-time consultant and expert witness.
Deadline for Abstracts: 2019-10-28
Registration: https://www.traininng.com/webinar/resolving-conflict-and-effective-mediation-201063live?hum-molgen_Oct_2019_Seo
E-mail: traininngdotcom@gmail.com
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