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Dealing with Difficult People

  August 19, 2019  
Traininng.com LLC, Online



Lets be honest here you probably have people in your life  that, if they would just go away! your life would be easier? 
Interacting with them is exhausting and frustrating - even thinking about interacting with them is discouraging and causes you to despair the situation will never get any better.

We all have those people in our lives. The reality is, having them out of your life is not practical - they may be your boss, staff, colleague, customer, vendor, friend, or family member.

Why should you Attend


Difficult people are found in every walk of life. They come in many forms.

Given that we can't avoid or eliminate them from our world, the next best solution is to learn how to effectively deal with them.

Learning how to recognize what they are doing, and why that’s creating so much difficulty for you, and those around you, is the first step.


Areas Covered in the Session


  • You interact with people
  • You're frustrated and exhausted by some of the people you have to deal with regularly
  • You spend way too much time thinking about how to deal with one or more people in your world
  • You have a team or organizational leadership role

Who Will Benefit


  • CEO
  • COO
  • HR Professionals
  • People Managers
  • Leaders
  • Directors
  • Manager Supervisors
Organized by: Traininng.com LLC
Invited Speakers: Michael Healey Since 1987 he has been consulting with businesses and organizations that understand the value of developing organizational culture and their people as a foundation for continual improvement and enhancing organizational capacity.
Deadline for Abstracts: 2019-10-08
Registration: http://www.traininng.com/webinar/dealing-with-difficult-people--201027live?hum-molgen_Oct_2019_Seo
E-mail: traininngdotcom@gmail.com
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