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Strategies for Effective Leadership

  February 21, 2019  
NetZealous DBA as TrainHR, Online Event

Overview:Leadership is fundamentally all about influence. There are many factors that impact how, when and why you are able to influence/lead others. One of the biggest crisis we have in the United States right now is the lack of effective leadership in business, government and the family. Our focus will be business however the principles are applicable to how you lead your family. 

All through history we have seen cases of great leadership. We will review some of the most noteworthy and use them as examples of how we can learn from history. It has been said if you don't learn from history you are condemned to relive it.

Power is another aspect of leadership that we will delve into in a very practical way. What is power, how do you use it for good or evil and why is it so important to fully understand your own power as well as the power of other people.

The core of this webinar is specific strategies and tactics you can use in the business environment. Principles and theories will be mentioned but the application of specific strategies and tactics will be the focus. You will learn exactly how you must behave as a leader to be impactful. You will be able to identify the various types of leadership and why, when and how they are effective. You will walk away with a clear image of why you believe what you do, how to implement a leadership strategy and how to get the maximum results.

You will receive the following benefits:
  • Profound insight into people and behaviors
  • Specific tools and methods to plan better
  • Systems to set goals, communicate and delegate
  • More free time to focus on the big picture
  • Improved morale for you and your team
  • Reduction of stress
It's time to begin the journey. 

Why should you Attend:Have you discovered the missing links that separate the average executive from the highest achievers? Learn the knowledge, attitudes, skills and behaviors necessary to become an exceptional leader. 

Are you ready, willing and able to grow?

Strategies for Effective Leadership are a proven process to help you improve your leadership. The focus is on getting you results. The core requirements of excellent leadership are straight forward and actually very simple, yet why is it so many people struggle to figure out how to lead? The reason is they have not defined, committed to and determined how to consistently apply the principles of being a leader. This webinar will give you the clarity, definition and practical methods you need to become and achieve the mission of being a quality leader. 

Areas Covered in the Session:
  • What is leadership? What is management?
  • Discover the different types of leaders and which type is best
  • How to use power in the workplace
  • Learn the practical aspects of establishing goal clarity
  • Building balanced high achieving teams
  • Develop the practice of mastering your personal organization skills
  • How to balance the four primary functions of all leaders
  • You will explore the art and science of effective communication
  • Results are the ultimate goal, how do you measure and achieve the right things

Who Will Benefit:
  • Vice Presidents
  • Managers
  • Those Being Groomed for Promotion
Organized by: NetZealous LLC, DBA TrainHR
Invited Speakers: David's passion is helping executives create a masterpiece personally and professionally. That's why he wrote, "The CEO Code," a Best Seller on AMAZON. That success resulted in Penguin/Alpha Books asking David to write "IDIOT'S GUIDES: Management Skills" released in December 2014. 
Deadline for Abstracts: 2019-04-23

Cost :   $145

Registration Link :     https://www.trainhr.com/webinar/-702343LIVE?channel=hummolgen-april_2019_SEO

E-mail: trainhr1@gmail.com
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