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Dealing with OCD in the Office

  January 30, 2019  
Traininng.com LLC, Fremont



A person at work re-reading a report over and over and over takes time and may never be completed because it cannot be done perfectly. A person late for work too many times because of fear that they did not lock the door and need to check may be fired.

When cleanliness at home takes so much of your attention that your family become upset stress builds at home. Managing a person's OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) can be a full-time endeavor and take over a person's life.

OCD is really fueled by anxiety and stress. Anxiety is about fight or flight, which is a natural, cautionary process of the mind to protect us from a threat. It is when anxiety raises to excessive heights and takes over that it becomes a problem. The toughest part of fight or flight is that we are stressing over something that is not a real threat, yet we go through the same process as if it were a tiger attack.

Why should you Attend


OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) is one of the most mysterious and confusing disorders. It is assumed by many to be an organizational or cleanliness issue, which is a total misrepresentation of what OCD is. Someone truly suffering from OCD can

have their life and work disrupted and taken over by OCD. Knowing how to deal with OCD can give someone their life back and make a business thrive.

Areas Covered in the Session


  • Basic understanding of how the brain operates
  • OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) and its effects on the brain
  • Ways to handle OCD in the office
  • Bonus - Ways to personally handle OCD


Who Will Benefit


  • CEOs
  • Office Managers
  • Managers
  • Supervisors
  • Owners of Businesses
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Employees 
Organized by: Traininng.com LLC
Invited Speakers:

Speaker Profile:

Donald Grothoff is an author, speaker, EFT practitioner, podcaster and a business owner of Focused Healthy Family in Charlotte, NC USA. The focus of his practice is helping families dealing with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), ADHD and other anxiety disorders via a modality called Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or "tapping". With over thirteen years of training and experience in EFT, Don assesses the whole person, family, individuals, business and home environment, providing a variety of alternative treatments that address each person's particular needs.

Deadline for Abstracts: 2019-03-19
Registration: www.traininng.com/webinar/dealing-with-ocd-in-the-office-200562live?hum-molgen-Mar-Seo-2019
E-mail: traininngdotcom@gmail.com
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