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Project Manifesto: Power of the Team

  May 03, 2018  
NetZealous LLC, DBA TrainHR, Online Event

This Course is approved by HRCI and SHRM Recertification Provider.


The late CEO of Apple Computer stated that "great things in business are never done by one person. They're done by a team of people." The essence of this webinar is that when you enter into a continuous process improvement effort the essence of the effort is the cross-functional team behind the change. Your organizations have committed to improving your processes, however you have left out a critical part of the equation.

No process improvement effort is going to succeed without the input from a cross-functional team which looks at both the current and future state of the process within the organization. In trying to resolve the issues facing society we will never find a solution unless we bring together the entire "village" and listen to their ideas as to how we can reduce the level of violence that is taking place today. Society if we work together can bring a diverse array of solutions that make sense for the society as a whole.

Further it is critical that one group not rule out another's perspective just because of who that group is. John Howard Griffin, in his critical book Black Like Me, showed us the problems with stereotypes. We can't expect to improve society ills as well as organizational ills when we believe that who we are determines whether our ideas are valid.

We can't expect to improve society ills as well as organizational ills when we believe that our role in either is pre-destined. If we stereotype the involvement of others we lose the authenticity of the group as a whole.

There is a part of a poem by Adrienne Rich in which she states that if we demean others and their impact on our lives we end up with that individual looking in a mirror and believing there is nothing there. We can only expect to achieve the goals we have set for each other when we are all involved in the end solution. Teams are never the result of a single person or group, they involve intense collaboration where the end result maybe a particular solution which may have been suggested by one person. but it is the team collaborative view that the solution is the best for the organization or the society at this time in this place and for this problem.

We need to genuinely invest in making our teams efforts to improve the world have genuine, authentic purpose. We want to insure, that the cross-functional team effort was a good one, so team members are willing to serve on future improvement efforts. We only achieve this goal when everyone understands that the team is greater than its parts and it is not a platform to super-charge one person's career or conceived fiefdom. It is all or none.

Why should you Attend: Your organization has just notified everyone that they are entering into a massive change effort and that for the first time you will be asked to serve as a vital member of a cross-functional team. As with most new episodes in your life you feel a degree of concern since you have never done anything like this before.

Cross-functional teams do not just happen, they take time and planning to put together a great team. The Project Manifesto- Power of the Team will show you the steps that are needed to create a successful team. It will also look at the various types of teams that might be used in your organization. Following the webinar, you should come away with a clear roadmap as how to become a valued member of this new effort. It will also introduce you to the kinds of resources that are available to you to complete your assignment.

Areas Covered in the Session:
  • Keys to Team that wow
  • Types of Teams
  • How to Create a Team
  • Keys to successful Improvement

Who Will Benefit:
  • HR Generalist
  • HR Supervisor
  • HR Manager
  • HR Director
  • Chief Human Resource Officer
  • VP of Human Resources
  • Talent Acquisition Professionals
  • Talent Acquisition Management
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Chief Executive Officer


Organized by: NetZealous LLC, DBA TrainHR
Invited Speakers: Daniel T. Bloom is a well-respected author, speaker and HR strategist, who during his career has worked as a contingency executive recruiter, member of the internal HR staff of a Fortune 1000 corporation, and a Corporate Relocation Director for several real estate firms. He is an active participant within the HR social Media scene maintaining blogs on Dbaiconsulting.com, Human Capital League; Recruiting Blogs, Brandergy and Toolbox for HR. He has also written over 40 articles, which have appeared on line and in print; along with four books (Just Get Me There- 2005 and Achieving HR Excellence through Six Sigma -2013, Field Guide to Achieving HR Excellence through Six Sigma – 2016, The Exceptional Educational System: Using Six Sigma to Transform Schools - 2017).
Deadline for Abstracts: 2018-06-28
Registration: Cost : $145.00
Event link :    http://www.trainhr.com/control/w_product/~product_id=702063LIVE/?channel=hum-molgen-june_2018_SEO
Contact Details:
NetZealous LLC, DBA TrainHR    
Phone: +1-800-385-1627
Email: support@trainhr.com
E-mail: trainhr1@gmail.com
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