Leadership has been studied since the beginning of civilization. Yet, it remains a somewhat elusive characteristic. This webinar will demystify leadership by looking at the history of how leaders have been recognized and developed. It will also address the interplay between Nature - those innate characteristics that leaders bring to the table and Nurture - how leadership skills can be taught, honed, and improved. Webinar participants will gain an increased understanding of what constitutes effective leadership and what others expect of those they follow. Attention will also be paid to how organizations develop their leaders in order to compete successfully in the global marketplace.
Why should you Attend: Ever wonder why some people are more effective as leaders than others? How much of leadership is innate and how much can be learned? What are the critical ingredients that make leaders effective? This webinar will examine leadership from a variety of perspectives, focusing on how leadership has been studied and how organizations have attempted to develop leadership talent.
Areas Covered in the Session: - Why Leadership Matters
- The History of Identifying Leaders
- The Interplay between Nature and Nurture
- The Distinction between Leadership and Management
- What Matters to Followers
- How Organizations view Leadership
- Research on Leadership Effectiveness
- What's needed for tomorrow's world
Who Will Benefit: - Anyone who Aspires to Leadership Position
- Anyone who wants to Understand themselves and their bosses better
- Anyone wanting to Understand how Nature and Nurture interact in terms of Leadership
- Anyone Interested in Developing their own Leadership skills