Richard Mills delivers in-depth insights on incentivizing individuals, teams and entire organizations with plans that reward positive results and acknowledges mutual success.
Territorial concerns and isolationist actions can be avoided with the proper balance of targets, metrics and milestones. When goals are set for a single sector of the organization and they do not match the goals of another sector, then offsets must be applied to compensate for the actual control that each group has to achieve their respective goals.
How can balance be achieved if goals are in conflict? How can the ultimate stakeholders are assured of success with complex goals and incentive plans. How do you take unforeseen circumstances into consideration and achieve both fairness for the employees and also for the organization? Many incentive plans reward individuals for doing activities that are merely part of their normal job - learn how to discern the difference between standard operating procedures and truly achieving outstanding behavior.
Overall alignment and shared goals are the key to successful incentive planning and implementation.
Why should you attend: All incentive plans are flawed. Many drive the wrong behavior; some can be counterproductive to the overall goals of the organization. How can you best structure incentives to move the entire organization forward?
Areas Covered in the Session: - Setting the right goals - revenue and operational
- Alignment of goals with those who can affect outcome
- Milestone verses quantitative goals
- How to handle missed objectives
- What to do when goals are significantly and successfully bypassed
- Pulling the team together with incentives
- Long term incentives
- Balancing incentives throughout the whole organization
- It's not always about Sales
Who Will Benefit: - Sales Managers and Directors
- HR Professionals
- Line Managers
- Chief Human Resource Officers
- HR Directors and Managers
- Employment Managers
- Training Directors
- Executive Team Members
- Business Owners