Compliance4All, Online
Overview: Any company that submits IRS Forms 1099 to the IRS can possibly
benefit from using the IRS Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)
Matching program. The program is a free service included in IRS e-
services. Any authorized person can access e-services and submit payees
for the matching process.
Why should you Attend: If you are your company prepare Forms 1099 and send the IRS, you
may benefit from the IRS TIN Matching Program. The major benefits of
the program is that it allows you to into the name and Taxpayer
Identification Number into the IRS e-services TIN Matching Program and
the IRS will notify you if the name and number you submitted matches.
Areas Covered in the Session: What is IRS e-services. How to apply to use IRS e-services. What is TIN Matching When to use IRS TIN Matching. Advantages of IRS TIN Matching What are IRS "B" Notices Potential IRS Penalties
Who Will Benefit: CPA and staff EA and staff Attorneys and staff Accounting Department Staff Controller and Staff Staff responsible for preparing Forms 1099