Xtalks Life Science Webinars, Online
If your organization is interested in adopting Risk-Based Monitoring, you understand that 100% SDV and schedule-driven monitoring is not an effective or cost-efficient approach to trial monitoring. Instead, you are looking for a solution that will help your central monitors, remote monitors, and CRAs quickly and easily evaluate risk across the study and target monitoring activities where they can be most impactful. With the PerkinElmer RBM, you can easily navigate from high-level overview data to specific data points from multiple source systems at once. Join this webinar to see the PerkinElmer RBM Solution in Action. Learn to: - Easily navigate from overall and category-level views to individual KRIs
- Quickly access actionable insights from multiple source systems
- Model recommended actions and follow up on those actions, all in one place
- Learn as you go – evaluate the efficiency of your risk model and adjust recommended actions, weightings, and thresholds
- Unlock the value of historical data – get ready for ICH E6(R2) by establishing meaningful tolerance limits for risk indicators
- Adapt a proactive approach to risk management, merging RBM and QBD