Compliance4All, Online Event
Overview: The yearly payment volumes - B2B only - of processors such as CHIPS, Fedwire, SWIFT, and ACH are growing steadily, while checks are declining at a small single-digit rate.
Businesses of all sizes are trying to send payments in the most cost-effective way and not necessarily through the bank- established channels. Corporate financial professionals want a conversion from paper to electronic payments, but only if they can get the payment information with the money transfer.
Why should you Attend: The B2B payments industry in the US is struggling with an identity crisis. Regulatory authorities are demanding that the payments industry tighten their reins on the adherence to regulations and compliance mandates; technology is enabling payments providers, banks, and networks to venture further into new frontiers; practitioners are worried about security; and infrastructures are getting old and in need of repair or replacement. The task of replacing these systems is so daunting; no wonder no one wants to launch a project to overhaul the enterprise payments network within the business or within the banks.
Areas Covered in the Session: Payment types that are declining and those that are growing: ACH, CHIPS, and Fedwire B2B check fraud and controls to put in place Key aspects of the role and key players involved B2B payments Regulatory agencies and their roles
Who Will Benefit: Corporate finance officers Payments professionals Deposit Operations managers Cash Management professionals Regulatory Compliance Associates and Managers Cash Management professionals Bank Compliance Officer Corporate Risk/Compliance Officer