Compliance Trainings, Online
Description : Quality Management Systems have a critical role in integrating all of the quality functions and responsibilities of the four pillars of Quality Management. In addition, in terms of ISO accreditation, organizations need to have robust QMSs in order to address all of the requirements and guidelines of ISO accreditation. IT resources and IT platforms can be used to build a robust QMS that enables an organization to implement and maintain processes that can achieve the four pillars of Quality Management, which in turn can help to achieve and sustain ISO requirements. It is critical that Quality Management professionals understand how they can leverage IT resources and IT platforms to build robust and efficient QMS that can help them to implement and more importantly sustain processes that help to accomplish the four pillars of Quality Management. In turn these IT resources and platforms can help to organizations to satisfy the ISO requirements and sustain them for the long term. Areas Covered in the Session : What are the 4 pillars of Quality Management? What is a Quality Management System? The need and importance of Quality Management Systems? How IT resources and IT platforms can be used to implement and sustain a QMS? Who Will Benefit: Quality Management Practitioners ISO Auditors IT Professionals Quality Improvement Professionals Internal Auditors ISO Trainers Project Managers Functional Managers