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Webinar On Toyota Kata

  November 10, 2015  

Compliance Trainings, Online

Description : 

What is a Kata? A Kata is something most often associated with martial arts. It is a routine you practice purposefully with intent of making that pattern a habit. Bike riding, driving and typing are all Katas. Once you learn to ride a bike and it becomes second nature, you no longer have to concentrate on the skill of riding the bike, but are now able to focus on getting to your destination.

Ask yourself what patterns exist and are reinforced in your own organization. Are these routines supportive or obstructive to meeting your improvement goals? The improvement Kata is specific routine for improving, adapting and innovating. It is scientific and goal-directed, not a random disconnected reaction to problems. The overall goal, as with any Kata, is to make the routine of the improvement Kata a habit that happens almost unconsciously. This happens through deliberate, coached practice in daily work.

This session will introduce participants to the concepts of the improvement Kata, how to use the approach to create their own internal coaches, and how companies are using the improvement Kata as a structured approach to problem solving and goal achievement.

This training is a collaboration of Compliance Trainings with


Areas Covered in the Session :

How to apply the Toyota Kata methodologies, models, and tools

How to use the approach to create their own internal coaches

Providing a systematic, scientific routine that can be applied to any goal

Standardizing how the members of an organization navigate uncertainty and develop solutions

Transforming managers from a role of firefighters to coach and mentor

How to conduct coaching cycles

Representing PDCA in a way that has people learning from iterative steps daily

Who Will Benefit:

This webinar will provide valuable assistance to all regulated companies in the Medical Device, Diagnostic, Pharmaceutical, and Biologics fields. The professionals who will benefit include:

Quality Department Professionals

New Lean practitioners wanting to ensure an upfront culture change to drive their efforts

Those that are already further on their Lean journey and not seeing the sustaining results they’d hoped for


Those looking for a systematic approach to improvement within their organization - even if you don’t call it Lean

Organized by: Compliance Trainings
Invited Speakers:

As CEO of Impact Performance Solutions, Chris Hayes provides vision and strategic direction ensuring the customer's voice is always the loudest. She is a proven business performance improvement leader and sought after speaker. Chris is a full spectrum coach and trainer with practical experience from the shop floor to the boardroom. She has partnered with companies such as Dannon, ITT, Pepperidge Farms, and Thermo Fisher where she utilizes integrated process improvement techniques that emphasize engaging the workforce, meeting objectives and sustaining results. She is an active member of ASQ and currently Chair Elect for the Lean Enterprise Division and Nominations Chair for Goldenspike Section 620.

Deadline for Abstracts: 2015-12-09

For more information about this event please visit



E-mail: suzzane.d@compliancetrainings.com
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