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Webinar On FDA's Ambitious Regulation of Social Media

  August 07, 2015  

Compliance Trainings, Online

This webinar will provide insight on how to manage your marketing activity and gauge what regulatory risks your business is willing to accept when it uses social media. Attendees will see how a firm’s regulatory profile requires cooperation between marketing, regulatory affairs, legal counsel, manufacturing, engineering and finance departments. They will understand that a weak link in any department leaves the entire corporation vulnerable to FDA enforcement. And above all, attendees will also begin to apply the boundaries the FDA uses now and understand how easy it is to promote yourself into a corner.

In this webinar:

Learn how the FDA interprets advertising and promotion in principle and in fact

Understand the ways a firm triggers a violation due to its social media practices

See how sales and marketing departments play a central role, for better or worse

Learn how the federal government holds executive management responsible for missteps in promotion and advertising practices

Areas Covered in the Session :

FDA labeling vis-à-vis promotion and advertising via social media

Direct to consumer marketing issues

Fair and balanced information considerations

Context of messaging and target population

Exemptions for social media use

Management roles and responsibilities

Who Will Benefit:

Regulatory managers

Product specification developers

In-house legal counsel and contract specialists

Owners and executive managers of new or developing firms of new or developing firms

Third party consultants

International trade managers

Own label distributors


Sales and marketing executives and managers

Organized by: Compliance Trainings
Invited Speakers:

Casper (Cap) Uldriks brings over 32 years of experience from the FDA. He specialized in the FDA's medical device program as a field investigator, served as a senior manager in the Office of Compliance and as an Associate Center Director for the Center for Devices and Radiological Health. He developed enforcement actions and participated in the implementation of new statutory requirements. He is recognized as an exceptional and energetic speaker. His comments are candid, straightforward and of practical value. He understands how FDA thinks, operates and where it is headed. Cap is the President of Encore Insight LLC, a consulting and training service for FDA law and operations.

Deadline for Abstracts: 2015-08-16

For more information about this event please visit



E-mail: suzzane.d@compliancetrainings.com
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